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[deleted] t1_j4j3o00 wrote

The rich libtards that live there don’t care.


iloveboston t1_j4j83fn wrote

You are probably right. However, not everyone that lives in Harvard is on the left.


[deleted] t1_j4j96gn wrote

99% are based on the yard signs


EnoughIdeas t1_j4jvsy4 wrote

It's my home mean the signs on the two roads in the town normal people will experience? The place is quieter and more right leaning than you think.


[deleted] t1_j4lj12a wrote

I don’t need to think anything. I’ve lived here for 14 years and cannot wait to leave. That is simply my experience and my opinion.


EnoughIdeas t1_j4n2peu wrote

Yeah so you know those grey beard old "liberal" men around you? A bunch were blackwater operators, most work for Raytheon, and your current police chief really likes trump. Your current chief(acting) was known for getting suspensions for lying and harassing kids when I lived there.


[deleted] t1_j4n8zea wrote

I’m not talking about the old men here. My issues have mainly been with the liberal school system, the police and the uppity people here who will post a sign on their front lawn but treat their own neighbors like shit


[deleted] t1_j4n8sgd wrote

I hate the police here. We had our own problems with them. Another reason I hate it here


[deleted] t1_j4ku0u8 wrote

No. I mean all of the virtue signaling signs on people’s front yards preaching that Hate has no home here when in actuality there is a lot of hate here towards anyone not a left leaning liberal


EnoughIdeas t1_j4n3aty wrote

What if I told you that during my generation the two biggest groups at Bromfield where the young republicans and LGBT alliance with a huge overlap?


420trashcan t1_j4je1x3 wrote

Ever wonder why deep blue Massachusetts has the best quality of life by every metric? And why deep red states are always much worse?


[deleted] t1_j4jeaer wrote

That’s very subjective


420trashcan t1_j4jf6qu wrote

Life expectancy, poverty, educational attainment, and more are all objective measurements actually. And Massachusetts is #1. Red States hate it, but this is what peak performance looks like. Believe it or not investing in communities pays off.


[deleted] t1_j4jfbc0 wrote

Subjective. I still hate it here


420trashcan t1_j4jfiw2 wrote

For what specific reasons?


[deleted] t1_j4nq2gv wrote

See above


420trashcan t1_j4nsi3d wrote

Persecuted conservative?


[deleted] t1_j4nv74v wrote

I never said that. I’m not persecuted, just don’t like the vibe of the people here


420trashcan t1_j4nva84 wrote

In what specific ways?


[deleted] t1_j4nvfhu wrote

What specific ways? Not sure I follow you and not sure why you are so interested


420trashcan t1_j4nwagk wrote

I'm curious.


[deleted] t1_j4nxb9s wrote

I’m paranoid


420trashcan t1_j4nxhf0 wrote

How would you be harmed if you went into detail about your feelings?


[deleted] t1_j4nxwch wrote

By sharing my personal experiences that hurt me and then have strangers on Reddit make fun of me some more would harm me


420trashcan t1_j4piu0d wrote

Why do you assume someone would make fun of you?


[deleted] t1_j4punu0 wrote

Are you new to Reddit?


420trashcan t1_j4pxpes wrote

Do you get bullied a lot?


[deleted] t1_j4pzp6p wrote

After what happened to me over the course of the past 5 years, I am very suspicious of people. I don’t know what to make of you asking me these questions. I feel like you are setting me up for something so I am going to politely bow out of this conversation.