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Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cewg9 wrote

> Are you the mod that decided against us discussing hate groups here, or was that a group-wide decision?

That was an administrative decision. Reddit in general is cracking down on hate. Having such content in our Subreddit would not be beneficial and would attract the wrong type of individuals and content.

I personally, support that policy. -- Why?

There was a time, not too long ago in our society, when hate groups were far & few. There was a time when such individuals were fearful of coming out into the light because society would shun them. It was not something people were openly proud of and coming out as a racist could mean risking losing your job, friends, family, etc...

Over the last few years, it's like society has been marching backward into the 1940 or 1950s. We have unfortunately "jerks" who seem all too eager and proud to display and promote their hateful and spiteful agendas. And hate seems only recruits more hate.

These types of hate groups depend on spreading their propaganda. To encourage others to wrongfully adopt their ideology. To make others feel confident, if not comfortable, in expressing their bigotry.

Our Subreddit will not aid and comfort bigotry or homophobia. We will not empower anyone who does.


[deleted] t1_j5cfmmf wrote



Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5cgfjz wrote

You believe that calling attention to these people would be a good way to "target" them. -- Well, technically, that would be against Reddit rules (no DOXing) and in some ways would be illegal. We cannot promote people to go track down some jerk and deal with them.

The reality is, those types of posts and the individuals they attract only make it seem like a vocal minority is wrongfully a majority. They end up being the perfect staging grounds for the recruitment and empowerment of those groups.


[deleted] t1_j5cgx28 wrote



Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5chq25 wrote

I am not going to debate it with you. This is not a debate.

I have told you the position of Reddit, wanting to crack down on hate, discrimination, and misinformation. And yes, my opinion happens to agree with that policy.

You can either respect it or leave or be banned for violating it. That's the benefit of free will. The choice is yours.


No_Bowler9121 t1_j5emg49 wrote

To be fair though the more Reddit and sites like it have tried to clamp down the worst things have become. They shunned the people on the edge into their echo chambers.