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DoodMonkey t1_j5csog5 wrote



Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5ctn1x wrote

> Welcome

9 years on Reddit, eh? Thanks for being an awesome member.


OkayAstronaut7 t1_j5d2pnf wrote

Post history stalk much? Bad redditquette


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j5d3f63 wrote

> Post history stalk much? Bad redditquette

As a moderator, I don't have to visit your profile to know how long anyone has been on Reddit. I can see it right here when I hover my mouse over your username.

You, for example, have been a member for 2 hours. You already have 1 post removed from the logs. -- So no, I don't have to view people's history, just hover my mouse over your username.