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Comfortable_Plant667 t1_j53qlnc wrote

You mentioned meteorology, it might interest you to know that this year is a La Nina.

From Typically, when La Niña is present, slightly above average temperatures occur across the northeastern United States.

Location of the jet stream: If the jet stream sets up over the coast or further west over the Appalachians, warmer air will be infiltrated off the Atlantic and over the coastal plain. If the jet stream is further east, it would allow for colder air to advance further south and east.

Timing: This is especially key with winter storms and forecasts. If you’re a snow lover, you would want cold air arriving and in place during and a day or two before a storm system arrives or passes by. A fresh injection of cold air, that may only last a couple days, paired with a nearby storm system would be enough for snowfall.

Just try to appreciate that there are currently no active drought conditions in MA and that it isn't -20 like it has been in many previous years.