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Graflex01867 t1_j5nsmzi wrote

Well. . . technically, when you realized it was a turn only lane, you probably should have just turned, then found your way back to where you were originally going. (Yeah, I know Malden has some rather interesting one-ways and roads that duck over/under other roads and the train tracks.)

On the other hand, if the road signs aren't clear, then that's not right either. Drivers aren't psychic, there needs to be signs for turn only lanes. If the cop pulled someone else over after you, that says that other drivers were confused about it as well.

You've got a point that the signs suck, but you also could have handled your mistake better. It might not be worth your time to argue it in court. I would see if there's someone you could report it to - I'm not sure what department in the city government it would be.


MrShotgunxl t1_j5ohael wrote

This person is correct. Fight it if you want or you can take the ticket and learn to accept your mistakes when driving a giant piece of metal. Ask yourself: What’s the worst that could’ve happened? You’re going left now instead of straight - So take the next right turn or find a spot to pull over and reorient yourself.

You’re trying to rationalize a wrong move instead of just owning it and figuring out how to not end up in the situation again. Ever see those videos of someone who misses their exit and tries to cut multiple lanes to make it across? That’s the same mentality here. Just take the next exit. Where’s the rush?

You didn’t do it on purpose, but other people do and that’s why you got a ticket.


jp_jellyroll t1_j5orth1 wrote

Exactly. It's a panic / choke thing. Or they have a horrible sense of direction (like my wife).

I like to say, "There's no such thing as missing a turn because every road connects to itself." It's not like streets & exits are moving or vanishing targets. If you miss a turn, keep following your lane / road, loop around safely, and come back. It'll still be there. Sure, it's a pain, but it's a "dummy tax."