Submitted by NoCombination2321 t3_10k0kwj in massachusetts

I was driving in Malden and changed into a left turn lane without noticing it’s left turn only prior to changing the lane. I promise I wasn’t trying to cut the line, I’ve never done it on purpose and I’m also too scared to do it.

There wasn’t a left turn only sign on the traffic light pole like Boston usually does and I did not see any signs until I was almost in the lane and saw the one left turn arrow on the road at the end of the lane. By that time it was too late to change back to the right lane so I proceeded in going in that lane. I put my blinkers on, and another car drove behind me. I thought if the car in the right lane did not give me a chance to go as soon as the light turn green, I’ll turn left so I don’t waste any time of the car behind me. When the light turned green, the car in the right lane yield to me and so I went straight. There was also enough space across the intersection to go straight as the lane starts off very wide. As soon as I passed the intersection I was pulled over by a cop, when I said there’s no sign until the end of the lane, he said there was one two blocks away😰

After he gave me the citation, I drove back to see the sign he mentioned, and within that few minutes, he pulled over another car at the same intersection.

Tbh Malden’s traffic confuses me as they lack signage and the two lane roads sometimes has a left or right turn only lane and you would only notice it when you see that one arrow on the road…

My defense is that I didn’t cause any traffic and was driving safely, and that instead of improving the signs at a confusing intersection where people new to the area could make mistakes and could potentially be dangerous, the officials chose to use that to their advantage to charge their citizens and did not do anything to actively avoid potential accidents.

But in the end, I did go straight on a left turn lane even though it was not my intention. Should I fight the ticket? Do I have a chance for the court to drop the ticket?

Thank you all.



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Proof-Variation7005 t1_j5oec5g wrote

I don’t get why more people don’t just accept they made a mistake and just do what a vehicle is supposed to do and then adapt later.

Outside of getting on the pike further out west where exits are spaced super far apart, most errant turns, missed exits, etc rent dramatically changing anything.


AboyNamedBort t1_j5p5x1u wrote

Unwilling to take 2 minutes to take the turn and then turn around. Is willing to spend multiple hours fighting a ticket they deserved.


MtnSlyr t1_j5swqxp wrote

Because if we don't fight there's no incentive for the government to fix anything.


Doortofreeside t1_j5qgcom wrote

There are plenty of left turns where the only indication is a mostly faded arrow on the pavement that you may only seen when you're right on top of it.

Not saying OP is right, but this state definitely makes it hard to figure out what lane you need to be in


FirefoxAngel t1_j5ttp1d wrote

I've been cut off by drivers when the green light got a left arrow, the left indication arrow on the road is new, and there's a sign saying left lane turns left, and I still get cut off or I have to brake quick for these dopes. I've also been cut off when someone in the middle lane turned left for the turn not in the left lane like me


NoCombination2321 OP t1_j5pa0i0 wrote

I honestly thought that was okay to do till the citation since drivers here do it all the time and usually I’ll make space for them because I believed they were just confused. like I had questioned if a sneaky left turn is legal in MA because that happens way more often than in other states I’ve lived


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j5pgv6h wrote

Lol, I can't speak for the judge, but I accept your remorse. Mistakes happen.

No quarter shall be given for anyone who's ever backed up on a highway to take an exit they missed though.


tapakip t1_j5q06cq wrote

I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. Can you show up where it is on google maps, and/or give us the street you were on, which street you were approaching, and from what direction?


Graflex01867 t1_j5nsmzi wrote

Well. . . technically, when you realized it was a turn only lane, you probably should have just turned, then found your way back to where you were originally going. (Yeah, I know Malden has some rather interesting one-ways and roads that duck over/under other roads and the train tracks.)

On the other hand, if the road signs aren't clear, then that's not right either. Drivers aren't psychic, there needs to be signs for turn only lanes. If the cop pulled someone else over after you, that says that other drivers were confused about it as well.

You've got a point that the signs suck, but you also could have handled your mistake better. It might not be worth your time to argue it in court. I would see if there's someone you could report it to - I'm not sure what department in the city government it would be.


MrShotgunxl t1_j5ohael wrote

This person is correct. Fight it if you want or you can take the ticket and learn to accept your mistakes when driving a giant piece of metal. Ask yourself: What’s the worst that could’ve happened? You’re going left now instead of straight - So take the next right turn or find a spot to pull over and reorient yourself.

You’re trying to rationalize a wrong move instead of just owning it and figuring out how to not end up in the situation again. Ever see those videos of someone who misses their exit and tries to cut multiple lanes to make it across? That’s the same mentality here. Just take the next exit. Where’s the rush?

You didn’t do it on purpose, but other people do and that’s why you got a ticket.


jp_jellyroll t1_j5orth1 wrote

Exactly. It's a panic / choke thing. Or they have a horrible sense of direction (like my wife).

I like to say, "There's no such thing as missing a turn because every road connects to itself." It's not like streets & exits are moving or vanishing targets. If you miss a turn, keep following your lane / road, loop around safely, and come back. It'll still be there. Sure, it's a pain, but it's a "dummy tax."


Chappy_Sinclair_ t1_j5olqh7 wrote

There's always a chance - but you did go strait in a left-only lane. Personally just I'd pay up and learn from it.


heklakatla t1_j5owqie wrote

You'll lose this one unless you get lucky BUT if you have other points for infractions you might fight it on the chance you win to keep the insurance surcharges down....

I say this as someone who was pulled over for 63-MPH on 128 25-years ago. I fought it, and despite the trooper not showing (sent a fill-in) I still lost!

EDIT: Looks like you have a speeding ticket from a few weeks back? 93 in a 75? Good luck.


MrMcSwifty t1_j5p3pub wrote

Lol there does seem to be a pattern of behavior with OP breaking traffic laws, then making excuses for it and wanting to fight the ticket.

Take your lumps and learn to be a better driver, OP.


NoCombination2321 OP t1_j5pd1zi wrote

be a Judge, that’s gonna give you a lot more satisfaction than commenting here


NoCombination2321 OP t1_j5pcgl5 wrote

Yes, it was an unfortunate month for me. Never gotten a ticket in my life and just got two in one month.


Brodyftw00 t1_j5tln8q wrote

I would personally fight it. It's your right, and I would say the inadequate markings by the city caused your error. Worst case you waste some of your time and maybe pay a small court fee. If everyone fights them, they can't issue as many tickets 😀

Idk why they don't issue more warnings to people for honest mistakes.


SmartSherbet t1_j5uf6qe wrote

Over 90 isn't unfortunate, it's reckless. Please stay safe out there friend.


NoCombination2321 OP t1_j5yu9bw wrote

I’m here to talk about this wrong lane citation. You can read that post to see why I think I was falsely ticketed


sneakylyric t1_j5oy69e wrote

Lol it's a confusing intersection and they know it. That's why there's a cop posted there. Don't bother fighting it, you won't win and it'll be a waste of your time.


AliceP00per t1_j5oyp2f wrote

I might have to mute this sub soon


AliceP00per t1_j5qzbsb wrote

I cant wait for someone to ask where the best place between marlborough and Fitchburg to get the best gallon of milk under $3.99 is.


Some_Ride1014 t1_j5oacdt wrote

Was there a big white arrow pointing left on the pavement?


Quincyperson t1_j5owj1x wrote

Yes, you should waste your day trying fight it. I’m fact, I hope they double it. It’s uncourteous and oblivious drivers like you who make things harder for everyone else


NoCombination2321 OP t1_j5pe8jf wrote

Wow what’s with all the hate lol, you good? I’ve never gotten so mad at any ruthless driver that I hope they get double fined and time wasted for an inconvenience that did not happen.


datheffguy t1_j5qito5 wrote

I don’t think they’re saying you deserve a double fine for a simple mistake, they’re saying you deserve a double fine for not holding yourself accountable for said simple mistake.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is full of hate.


A_Man_Who_Writes t1_j5op4hq wrote

You should always follow through with the mistake. Just turn left and figure it out afterward. But yeah, it’s sometimes impossible to know which lane to be in, and sometimes the arrows are so faint you can barely see them.


Sensitive_Row_7110 t1_j5o5lt5 wrote

Always try to fight it. Worst case you are right back in the same situation and have to pay the fine. Just be honest and polite. For a first offense its almost a given it will be dismissed.


NoCombination2321 OP t1_j5pepc1 wrote

Thank you!


SLEEyawnPY t1_j5pyk7d wrote

The times I've been in traffic court the number of people who get a citation totally voided is close to zero, but it's possible that there are other outcomes between pay/don't pay so if the full fine is burdensome to you it might not be entirely waste of time showing up.

Keep in mind it's not like Perry Mason, there may be like fifty other people there and you have about 20 seconds in front of the magistrate to plead your case.

You could try something like "Your honor, I was trying to obey traffic rules but due to the confusing nature of the unfamiliar intersection I made an error. I would respectfully request my citation be reduced to a warning" and you might get lucky assuming you're not a habitual offender. Sometimes they give you a reduced fine.


Hoosac_Love t1_j5pg34p wrote

If your driving record is good it never hurts in MA to get a hearing and hope for a break on leniency for good driving record.If your DR is less than spectacular though and you clearly did the offense it may be a waist of time.


warlocc_ t1_j5ph340 wrote

A good driver sometimes misses a turn. A bad driver never will.

If cops gave more tickets for this stuff, people woupd know better how to roll with their mistakes.


ThirdHandTyping t1_j5qrytk wrote

Appearing in person at the court date gets most of these minor offences dropped or reduced to nothingness.

But don't try your "defense". Just admit your mistake, take responsibility, apologize, and ask if they will be lenient on this first offense.


Ferfuxache t1_j5ue5tc wrote

The shit I see people in Malden do everyday…this seems like some low ass hanging fruit. Do you have a Yankees bumper sticker?


Fun_Top5285 t1_j5puhwo wrote

Take it to court. 70% of the time if they think you took the trouble to fight it, you may not be guilty. Or, take the fine and the 6 years of insurance surcharges that will end up costing you hundreds. No need for a lawyer either. Be honest and tell them you made a mistake, (if they ask). Many times they will give you a not-guilty to save paying the cop overtime to testify, but most courts do not require the cop to be present (to save a buck) unless it goes before a judge.


eury13 t1_j5q08xq wrote

It may be worth trying to fight it. If this counts as a moving violation (which I would guess it does), that impacts your safe driver insurance plan score which can result in your insurance rates getting jacked up for 5-6 years.

No clue if you'd get the ticket thrown out at a hearing, but it might be worth the effort to try.


runnerSK33 t1_j5r42b4 wrote

how much was the ticket?


NoCombination2321 OP t1_j5rhv1t wrote

$105. More worried about my insurance price going up because of that


runnerSK33 t1_j5t8d93 wrote

damn, thats up there. I figured $50 or $75. Fight it. If you weren't aware that it was turn-only they should reduce it at least.


Live-Breath9799 t1_j5tt9z7 wrote

I fought a ticket once in Lowell and won. There are certain intersections where police give out so many tickets that they didn't bother fighting it. This was for going through a red light.


SmartSherbet t1_j5uez4y wrote

In other states they have overhead signs telling you what lanes are turn only. In Massachusetts, or Worcester anyway, often the only markings are on the pavement. Which means if there's other traffic on the road, you literally can't see the marking until it is too late to adjust.

Law should require that turn-only lanes be delineated with overhead signage visible at least 100 ft before the intersection.


NoCombination2321 OP t1_j5yxjdw wrote

Agree. I hope they have those overhead signs in MA! Seems like an easy fix to make everyone’s life easier


exek25 t1_j5tcaew wrote

Next time take the turn and trust in your gps/map app recalculating feature.


I_am_Captain_Fun t1_j5v7rid wrote

Fight it. Worst case they can say is no and you end up having to pay it, best case you don't have a citation on your record and don't have to pay anything other than a small traffic court fee.