Submitted by KhaosBreadstick t3_10krj8j in massachusetts

Hi, I'm planning to schedule my first Road Test in SouthBridge via the RMV and was hoping to get some tips about the area and experiences about the test from people who took their tests there recently. Like some ideas of some of the routes people were given for their tests, or what the examiners are like.

I'm confident in myself but I'm not exactly from the SouthBridge area so any tips and advice would be much appreciated!!



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FirefoxAngel t1_j5tsg0l wrote

Don't better to do 3 road tests with a driving school and take a test in their area, when I did mine there I got cut off twice and at the first stop sign as I was turning someone was doing 50 on a 20 around the initial bend I was at fault. I swear Afghanistan drivers are better than some of people in the towns/ cities in Mass


KhaosBreadstick OP t1_j5tz3nw wrote

I'd love to but a driving school is just a bit too expensive and I never did Drivers Ed so


Budget-Bake6277 t1_j5tst8d wrote

Just go to Brockton. There isn’t even a test.


KhaosBreadstick OP t1_j5tyux7 wrote

Brockton just a bit too far from where I'm from. I'm from Belchertown


FirefoxAngel t1_j5v1e7p wrote

Well the Southbridge RMV area is shitty for driving in general and straight up should be moved else where. I actually go to Springfield instead if I gotta get anything done


KhaosBreadstick OP t1_j5v1phi wrote

Makes sense. My sponsor uses the SouthBridge one for all her stuff so that's the one she wanted to go to. She doesn't like driving in Springfield and I don't blame her. I tried to convince her to go to Greenfield cuz Greenfield and SouthBridge are the exact same distance perfectly from her place. But the trip to SouthBridge is more scenic to her


FirefoxAngel t1_j5v2c93 wrote

Yeah can't blame her the drivers here in the springfield and Ludlow area don't know what right a way means or the general understanding of blinkers


KhaosBreadstick OP t1_j5v2llo wrote

Yeah, I heard Greenfield was a pretty nice area to test in. But she's deadset on going to SouthBridge. And a friend keeps telling me that SouthBridge is a nightmare. So I was hoping to find out from others what it's like. See if I'm just gonna be screwed there.


FirefoxAngel t1_j5v6jl4 wrote

Well if they still got the creep grader you might be good if she's a cute sponser


KhaosBreadstick OP t1_j5v6t7u wrote

Creep grader? In SouthBridge? Oh boy. Even so, I don't think they'd try for my sponsor. It's my grandmother hahah


FirefoxAngel t1_j5v77w6 wrote

Ah that's bad.... Well good luck you're going to need it especially if there's snow on the ground


KhaosBreadstick OP t1_j5v7ctg wrote

Oh great. Have a feeling they'll try and fail me for the stupidest shit. I should try and convince my grandmother to just go to Greenfield


FirefoxAngel t1_j5v7ptz wrote

If you good on everything I wouldn't worry too much it just the other drivers there are going to be fucking dumb not sure how they got driver licenses


KhaosBreadstick OP t1_j5v82mx wrote

I'm pretty good on everything. I need to hard practice my parallel parking and such. I just wanted to know if the examiners are gonna be a-holes or as I call em "Wannabe Cops" and try to fail me for the stupidest shit like the E-Brake or something and see if the area is good and get to know ideas of what routes would be like


FirefoxAngel t1_j5vjb9h wrote

They're working at the RMV they jerk themselves off at being assholes, the route is dumb cause of all the speeders


KhaosBreadstick OP t1_j5vjk4q wrote

Hahahaha fair enough. Like I said, I'll try and see if I can either change my grandmother's mind and go Greenfield, or just pray if I got SouthBridge that my examiner isn't the worst


Fun_Top5285 t1_j61tdv3 wrote

They like it when you overcompensate by looking both ways, rear view mirror, side mirrors etc.

During a Y turn, make sure there isn't a tree or something in your blind spot when you reverse. A sneaky trick.

When you park on a hill, make sure you turn the wheel to the correct way. Toward curb downhill. Away from the curb up hill.

Make sure it is in park or neutral with your foot on the brake or the car won't start

Stay the proper distance away from the curb when they tell you to pull to the curb and stop.

Sometimes they will try to get you to turn into a one way street the wrong way...they'll tell you to take a left before a one way street and a few feet further there will be a stop sign where there is a cross street that it's legal to turn left. Use your directional.

Good luck. Don't tell anybody,HaHa (a few days before your test, pull an "I Spy" and follow at a discreet distance the route they take during a test. Do it a few times as sometimes they take different test routes. Use a friends car and not the one you'll use for the test.


KhaosBreadstick OP t1_j61u6k4 wrote

Alright, thank you. I'll try and see if I can do that last tip, not sure if I'll be able to or not