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Dreadedtrash t1_j3vyzxy wrote

I had them do attic insulation and someone from MassSave came out a couple weeks later and checked on the work. Did this happen with you? I'd imagine that it would be hard to check every cavity, but it sounds like they missed a lot.


AnteaterEastern2811 OP t1_j3vzckq wrote

No one from MassSave came out to verify.


Dreadedtrash t1_j3w097y wrote

I would reach out to MassSave. It would probably be easiest to reach out to the person that came to your house. MassSave is paying full price to the vendor so the vendor has no excuses to not do the job properly


ManifestDestinysChld t1_j3wfi2s wrote

Generally there are minimum requirements for the number of places that need to be inspected after the work is performed, but it's not 100%. Usually it's more like 50% of places where work has been done will be inspected to ensure the work conforms to applicable laws and regulations.


Nate5238 t1_j40r51m wrote

Ditto to this. The mass save inspector took issue with a few seals and empty cavities the insulation company did. The mass save person had the insulation company come back and bring it to standard