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stexel t1_j6k4wgp wrote

Wood stove’s gonna be cooking later this week. Refilled all of the firewood racks from the big woodpile out back.


richg0404 t1_j6nj2oo wrote

If you have a furnace with forced hot water, I've heard recommendations that you manage things so that the furnace is pumping at least a little heat so the water keeps circulating.


[deleted] t1_j6l7kin wrote



Ocitsalocs t1_j6mkfql wrote

These temperatures are rare for this specific area. Temps like these could easily kill people who are left to exposure. This is not just any other weather event lol


Balsac_is_Daddy t1_j6mksyb wrote

Not really all the rare. Negative temps are pretty normal where I grew up in the Berkshires. Maybe not normal this year, but I remember negative temps in the winters of my childhood.


[deleted] t1_j6ksji9 wrote

Actual lows will be around -9 early Saturday morning.


[deleted] t1_j6l7pwc wrote



[deleted] t1_j6l91ey wrote

-9 is extreme


[deleted] t1_j6ldgo4 wrote



[deleted] t1_j6leqna wrote



[deleted] t1_j6lev3j wrote



[deleted] t1_j6li13j wrote



[deleted] t1_j6lkyb5 wrote



[deleted] t1_j6ll01m wrote

Yeah, dangerous conditions that kill vulnerable people are so funny


Animallover4321 t1_j6kwuu2 wrote

The first real test of my mini splits heat pump. Fingers crossed because landlord neutered the old system so there’s no back up heating system.


dizzish t1_j6l7ukp wrote

My mini split worked fine down to 4 degrees last Winter. I would assume a similar output, certainly preheat the house tho lol.


DunkinRadio t1_j6mttrt wrote

Same here but with a whole house ducted. Luckily I still have my gas furnace backup.


Animallover4321 t1_j6n0ekr wrote

I really don’t understand why landlord took out furnace it wasn’t interfering with new system.


Illustrious-Nose3100 t1_j6o1881 wrote

I think you get a bigger rebate if you replace the old gas system (if they used mass save for a rebate)


Another_Reddit t1_j6nkbt3 wrote

Would love to hear how heat pumps do in this! Looking into getting some myself.


Fun_Top5285 t1_j6kfcdw wrote

Got 2 tons of wood pellets out in the garage ready to fire up. Friday & Saturday watch out for frostbite ! Stock up now people, A little bourbon is necessary, as well !!


poprof t1_j6ks0sj wrote

Is this real? It was almost 50 god damn degrees today.


BrokedownAlice69 t1_j6mvtdh wrote

This 40-50 degree highs every day of January just didn’t use to happen here. I remember having a week of school cancelled because it was too cold to have kids wait for the bus. the highs were in the single digits with wind chill well into negatives. School cancelled because pipes burst everywhere.

On another note, I’d remember every spring when you could finally use the fields again. We wouldn’t see grass from December until at least the middle of March.

I hate this blah overcast, 45 degree shit. It’s going to stay like this until may too. That’s the depressing part. At least I used to be able to make epic snow forts and sled and snowboard in a lot of snow. Now that I’m adult it’s just convenient for it to not be snowing. People are going to forget how to live in the extreme cold And snow pretty quickly. Kids growing up here today have a totally different climate than I had here growing up 20 years ago


poprof t1_j6p9uri wrote

I grew up in the 80s and 90s and remember literally jumping off the roof of our one story house into the snow all the time - it was a yearly tradition.

My own kids the other day were outside playing in the mud…


Anra7777 t1_j6oaxxg wrote

I want to downvote you because I find this upsetting. I will upvote you as thanks for bringing this to my attention. 😢