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stexel t1_j6k4wgp wrote

Wood stove’s gonna be cooking later this week. Refilled all of the firewood racks from the big woodpile out back.


richg0404 t1_j6nj2oo wrote

If you have a furnace with forced hot water, I've heard recommendations that you manage things so that the furnace is pumping at least a little heat so the water keeps circulating.


[deleted] t1_j6l7kin wrote



Ocitsalocs t1_j6mkfql wrote

These temperatures are rare for this specific area. Temps like these could easily kill people who are left to exposure. This is not just any other weather event lol


Balsac_is_Daddy t1_j6mksyb wrote

Not really all the rare. Negative temps are pretty normal where I grew up in the Berkshires. Maybe not normal this year, but I remember negative temps in the winters of my childhood.