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UmangJJW t1_ja7omh0 wrote

everyone when teacher says “Mike has 2 balls” : 😂 “Mia has 2 balls”: 💀


pandaonspectrum t1_ja8iieq wrote

They say you can't hear pictures... kekw


Good_Smile t1_ja8pcwe wrote

And only one eyeball 👁️


PossiblyLinux127 t1_ja8v632 wrote

This doesn't go over well in college. People will just give you a blank stare


SirEnderman t1_ja93mwr wrote

i got sent out of class for laughing at a scene like this, the teacher was saying “why don’t you keep your balls at home”. She even had the nerve to bring it up in front of my parents during a meeting lol


Archangel004 t1_ja9hwy2 wrote

>She even had the nerve to bring it up in front of my parents during a meeting lol

I wonder why that happened


SirEnderman t1_ja9sntw wrote

the teacher probably just didn’t like me, or just had a big ego which probably explained why she taught in middle school in spite of having a phd


var_char_limit_20 OP t1_jabj1ru wrote

Did you laugh again? I hope your dad laughed for a second and then coughed and apologised.


JMcLe86 t1_ja99b03 wrote

Jokes on him I have three.


boneboy247 t1_jaaho6a wrote

You're the teacher, aren't you?


var_char_limit_20 OP t1_jabj9kc wrote

I would make a horrible teacher. would waste too much time talking about dumb shit and probably spend a full month wathcing Cold war documentaries


BenTherDoneTht t1_jaaqe9g wrote

i am nearly 30 years old.

one of my favorite accounts that i follow specializes in stairwell farts.

i giggle every time.


Lihhan t1_jaar2d8 wrote

Mike has two balls, he sells one because the loan shark said he would gouge his eyes out if he didn’t pay him. How many balls does mike have now?


DxExAxD t1_jabj6ag wrote

why are u in a class as a full grown adult? 🗿


[deleted] t1_jabpy7w wrote

That’s how I looked like while laughing to this