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tigerDer_1 t1_jabtycg wrote

italy: the train number 15324 will have a delay of 1h and 35 mins for rail manutention


Pro_M_the_King52 t1_jac2rnm wrote

This makes me think Indian Railway is Competent.


Wackynamehere1 t1_jad1va6 wrote

It probably is, but india has too many people, in fact some trains have people ride on top of them and on the sides


humanbot69420 t1_jaeorao wrote

sure if you want to light up with the electrified tracks. 85% done, approaching 100 soon


-f-d- t1_jabuu5g wrote

Could be Germany as well


tigerDer_1 t1_jabuzvx wrote

nah trust me in italy is far more worse certain train arrive with a delay of 2/3 hours and are always late


vezol t1_jabw9xo wrote

Deutsche Bahn: Hold my beer


realAloneBoi t1_jabwy51 wrote

Here in germany we call this on time.


Expert_Gate8947 t1_jad00rd wrote

In The Netherlands we just cancel the train so that on paper it is not late. People can get the next train. That is better for statistics.


Briffy03 t1_jaccdic wrote

In france we got a special collumn on display called something like "unusual" it should be used to display delays or accidents, but those are so frequent this collumn is used almost only to display "on time" as this is so rare


Stradi8_ t1_jac264a wrote

Had something like this happen once in the last months and for weather reasons

Never really had problems lately


NinLendo t1_jad687e wrote

Nonono. In Germany you wouldn't get a reason for the delay.


gooj324 t1_jad2htn wrote

As an Italian i can confirm, "train will have a delay of 90 mins" then after 30 mins "canceled"


QuuxJn t1_jadym5x wrote

I've been to Italy twice in the last year by train and I must say I was positively surprised.

The longest delay we had was 15min, wich we caught up again by the time we got to the final destination.


CatalystIsMyFav t1_jabj66j wrote

They look like this mostly


Hona007 t1_jabzqyz wrote

Bruh our renovated relics from WW2 look and run better and we're Czech.


DxExAxD t1_jabzx9c wrote

yea, bc germany made them 😉


CatalystIsMyFav t1_jac0f8m wrote

In fairness that image is (according to Wikipedia) from 2009. It was literally the first image that came up when I googled “Arriva train”


TRAINLORD_TF t1_jabi1zt wrote

Currently, Im still waiting for my Train to arrive.


wordswillneverhurtme t1_jabsrvk wrote

It is not a toxic fallout but its still a mess. You can basically drive faster to the destination by car than the train. So the train is useless.


mtgkajhit t1_jaby53g wrote

Can confirm. My town was doing historic rail rides to connecting cities for a summer when I was a kid. Modern locomotives with 1960s passenger cars. Because of the speed limits and having to yield to freight a normally 30-45 minute drive by car ended up taking 4-5 hours. It was a cool experience but holy fuck did it take forever.


nowaybrose t1_jaclh20 wrote

It sucks that we have given freight railroads like CSX so much power here. If you know an attorney ask about how to get the railroad to do anything they don’t want to.


mtgkajhit t1_jaclq8x wrote

Well they own the rail lines, which is part of the problem. I had a neighbor who retired from the railroad. He said it was a great job but the politics were ridiculous.


nowaybrose t1_jacopkz wrote

Yeah I think if we are gonna get serious about rail travel in the US we need to build our own passenger lines. One thing I’ve always wondered is why we can’t just use the median/side road of interstates for new rail construction? Does anyone ever discuss this? You could wave at cars sitting in traffic! The land is already there for the taking. It would be a great project for job creation and jobs are also needed to maintain trains/rails and run the train service. Seems like a win. But hey let’s keep dumping trillions into concrete for cars…one more lane should do it


ankerous t1_jacrd4c wrote

It would make sense to use the medians for something like that more often. I've seen it used that way in a couple places but it's very rare.


Pijany_Matematyk767 t1_jaehzya wrote

Using the median might not be the greatest idea since then youll have to have train tracks cross the highway, and that will most likely require either a tunnel or an overpass (neither of which are cheap), Plus id guess the median isnt wide enough for 2 tracks. And theres also the risk of collision in case a bad driver fucks up. Trains would be nice but the median of a highway is probably not the place for them


nowaybrose t1_jaekwke wrote

Most of our medians in rural areas are quite large. The tracks could be elevated in tighter spaces just like we elevate stupid highway ramps 100ft in the air whenever needed (houston). Train can go over whatever it needs to. Trains I’ve ridden in china have all sorts of elevated tracks since many areas are densely populated. No it won’t be cheap but neither are 15 lane highways


Pijany_Matematyk767 t1_jaeq4wv wrote

One problem with this is getting the political will to make an elevated big highway is waaaay easier than getting the political will for a modern elevated train track

Depending on how straight the highway is, trying to have the track run parallel to it might require slowing down the trains on some turns

And we also have to ask if a track in the median with overpasses is cheaper than just running the rail track separate from the highway


nowaybrose t1_jaf3rrc wrote

Yeah the political part is what needs to change. No party really seems to be interested in helping people who can’t afford a car get around in cities or between them affordably.

The idea of running the trains along existing interstates is to avoid having to buy land or claim imminent domain. We only do that for oil pipelines I reckon. Fighting to run tracks thru peoples land would take decades.


Hona007 t1_jabzvs7 wrote

Over here o line somewhat rural. And going to the city takes the exact same time whether it's a train or car. But for 1hour 10 minute rides. You wanna go on a train far more comfortable.


Expert_Gate8947 t1_jad061w wrote

It's 20 kilometer to work. That is a 20 minute car ride or 2 hours by public transport. I sometimes go by bicycle when the weather is nice.


Bromine67 t1_jabwevb wrote

Of course the French one isn't here because he was late... Like always.


CookieBio t1_jadj24p wrote

You beat me to it, I was stuck in gare Montparnasse because of an abandoned luggage


Grivit14 t1_jabk56x wrote

So behind on public transportation it's rediculous.


Expert_Gate8947 t1_jad0a6q wrote

Trust me most Europeans countries don't have high speed rail either.

Or rail at all.


DragantaMM t1_jac2ysa wrote

germany is kinda unrealistic.. that train should only arrive in an hour or two.. maybe not at all


C4RD_TP_SG t1_jabienz wrote

somebody left a shit stained diaper on one of the seats here


Hari1503 t1_jabvf9d wrote

Indian trains. They have a lot of different locomotives.


dec35 t1_jaby42e wrote

And they say america is the most advanced county in the world, smh. You can't go anywhere without taking the car, what an ecological disaster


MoronDark t1_jac2ugw wrote

Firend visited America once, i asked her to buy for me one thing in shop one block away from her hotel, she said she cant go there without a taxi and overall moving in city without a car is pain


ankerous t1_jacqzd9 wrote

Couldn't she just walk the one block? I would never drive or take a taxi for a one block trip in a city.


MoronDark t1_jad1882 wrote

Dunno, she said she couldnt
Dont remember which city she was in, i think it was either Pheonix or Santa Monica


ilhamalfatihah16 t1_jabmvl1 wrote

The train system in my country is probably one of the few things that I would acknowledge our colonizer did right. Our interstate train system network was developed by them 138 years ago and is constantly modernized now to suit current domestic needs.

Kudos to them, albeit their purpose of building it is to steal our resources faster, kudos.


yayaoa t1_jac445o wrote

For Germany you should've put a picture of just the rails because the Deutsche Bahn is always late or doesn't get there at all. Fuck them!


Cdr_Johannsen t1_jacx74k wrote

This image fits, that's the train that was supposed to arrive an hour ago on the opposite track with the car order reversed.


pantherghast t1_jad80nr wrote

While the US could use an update to their railway system... you are comparing passanger bullet trains to a freight train...


HotCaptain4297 t1_jabycfu wrote

Australian trains just have graffiti up the side of them and eshays with knives inside of them.


Hona007 t1_jac0363 wrote

Yeah graffiti on passenger rail sucks... But I massively respect it for cargo. It don't hurt anyone. And I one saw a T type wagon which had "Hallo Aus Deutschland" then another type of paint "Ahoj z česka" "Hallo Aus osterreich" and same with polish and probably french. Translation "Hello from (country) idk. It was just wholesome imo.


FuryandFurry t1_jac35ag wrote

haha good joke. the german trainstation should be empty cause they never arrive lol


Re0ns t1_jac7smw wrote

The Chinese one isn't even carrying passengers, claims to be the fastest in the world despite the Japanese SC Maglev. The new Chinese maglev probably is a rehashed version of the one in Shanghai, purchased from Germany.

Same goes with all the other high speed trains. The majority of them are purchased and copied versions of foreign trains. And new ones are just rehashed frankensteins of the most successful high speed trains across the globe.

Yes I fucking despise the CCP and it's puppet companies such as the CRRC that made the maglev train in the photo. Hong Kong already had some low quality new trains made by copying older Japanese trains. And also the even decreasing freedom and voices for democracy in Hong Kong. I already expect Chinese bots to downvote me.


Academic_Opening_679 t1_jabiqie wrote

Wet, not electrified, probably derailed mas caralho eles vêem pontuais !


Plerti t1_jac03ia wrote

Funny that right now in Spain there is a controversy about the government buying new trains that are too big to pass through the existing tunnels and too heavy to pass over some of the existing bridges.

So yeah, they're pretty much stashed like in that photo


Erme_Ramos t1_jae77ib wrote

Renfe is the fucking worst and sadly the only train company, good I hate them.


CookiePurple4108 t1_jadid0o wrote

Those are also passenger trains vs freight trains


Extension_Building19 t1_jadoo3s wrote

Well considering these first several images are passenger trains and the ones that keep derailing are commercial transport trains lol our passenger trains dont derail quite as often 😂😅


KaZe_DaRKWIND t1_jaem49q wrote

Other than the US one, those are all passenger trains aren't they?


Redditor_RBN t1_jabmp6p wrote

I can only think of cars than a train, when I think about public transportation in USA. Ok maybe buses, if they exist.


xmichael86 t1_jabo8of wrote

That’s why we can’t have nice things like a bullet trains


tom_schaal t1_jabwci2 wrote

France so probably on strike


Fungi_Finder t1_jaczwj6 wrote

You're comparing bullet passenger trains to cargo trains you stupid fucking donkey


kunfusedpsyko t1_jad894h wrote

Now show me your cargo trains. We rarely ride passenger trains here.


BradTheFnafGamer t1_jadauwg wrote

Trains are so cool they made a gender about them


amaxlucy t1_jadp3j1 wrote

My “train” is a Range Rover. Always on time luxury.


MollyDooker99 t1_jae84ok wrote

The U.S. has the largest freight rail in the world…


No0biz t1_jabwt68 wrote

I like how this doesn't include French trains (they are probably late or on strike)


WaAaT25 t1_jabydir wrote

Portugal: they don't show up (CP moment)


Tomkistann t1_jac1hpb wrote

Still waiting for it, i'm only waiting 2 hours (czechia)


Cakelover9000 t1_jac3moe wrote

The german Train should not be here


Ship_Fucker69 t1_jac4jqf wrote

We have the same bucket ass trains from the 80's in my country. Older some of them even.max speed like 90km/h.


ragra64 t1_jac5i15 wrote

Here is a technical designer from stadlerrail. You have to give America credit for at least starting to order Swiss trains, especially for California.


QuuxJn t1_jae0cue wrote

Serious question. Do you sometimes intentionally design stuff in a way that it's a huge pain in the ass to fix? Like, have you ever tried to change a sprinkler in the electronic cabinets. Or a motor for the gap fillers.


ragra64 t1_jae7g8y wrote

Certainly not on purpose. We don't like to bully service workers.


rockeypokey t1_jac5rkq wrote

Everyone knows Indian trains


NeganLannister23 t1_jac7n5k wrote

They're good but people keep pelting stones at em for some reason


Golett03 t1_jac8uvm wrote

Which type? Road or track?


Clean_Web7502 t1_jacbcey wrote

Spain: We made them to big during the design phase time to remake the blueprints


Reasonable_Still_764 t1_jacf5fn wrote

Im 100% certain that korean train is a decepticon and u can't convince me otherwise


MarcoIstToll t1_jacfanw wrote

Why is there a german train without any delay? this is some serious bs


VentingID10t t1_jacmkog wrote

It isn't only the train engines themselves that are antiquated in the USA, it's the tracks. I took a train ride with my kids for "fun" and it slowed down considerably at one point for several miles in the state of Pennsylvania. (I'm talking 5 mph / 8 kmh.) When I asked why so ridiculously slow, the train steward said it was because the tracks were very old and too curvy that we might derail at higher speeds. Um ..gulp...okay.


NewMasterpiece6271 t1_jacvwvk wrote

I had planned to take a cross country trip in the US via train. Then we learned 12 hour delays were not uncommon and there was a good chance we would arrive at our destination in the middle of the night instead of 5PM.

Every few years the US spends millions to bail out the airline industry, but people get upset when when spend money on trains.


Icy_Practice7992 t1_jad0czr wrote

Texas would have it, but it's a domain issue. People don't want to give up their land.


General-Resist-310 t1_jad1d7a wrote

ICE is the fastest train in Germany, and yet it still feels like it crashed due to it's name, so often it comes too late


banana1703 t1_jad7q1m wrote

I'm from switzerland and we make fun of the german trains, even germans make fun of german trains (DB)


Larcemox t1_jadmlfz wrote

Do you guys have trains? that's cool.


Razorbacklama59 t1_jadq1y1 wrote

In a few years my province will have the world's fastest train


DotFX t1_jadrjpb wrote

The last I remember we killed a Tzar in one


jaredmgMTL t1_jadzc54 wrote

Anglos will refuse to acknowledge anything that France created or perfected and will go out of their way to do so.


F1RE_F0XY t1_jae3dg4 wrote

The trains in Romania are a bet. You can get down in one piece or you can get down with your back broken because of the bad communist chairs and because of the bad railroad infrastructure. Also you have a very high chance of getting your belongings stolen. All of that plus a 2h delay and overpriced tickets.


Erme_Ramos t1_jae6or2 wrote

When even Renfe is better than Usa trains, something is very wrong with them.


Kasgaan t1_jae8qnf wrote

better question, how's our atmosphere? HEHEHEHE hellllp ohio is dyiiiing


Rumen77 t1_jaee7hc wrote

Pretty expensive to ride one in the uk but there is decent coverage across the country so they are alright I guess 🥴


DepPet_syw t1_jacaofk wrote

German here. With the state of The Bahn, they might as well be exploded


sumdumguy1966 t1_jach8fm wrote

SoCiaLism doesn't wOrK. As we pick up the poorly maintained tracks that caused another disaster caused by the greed of capitalism. Meanwhile government funded bullet trains efficiently move the SoCiaList populus.


Big_Papa_Puff t1_jacngvb wrote

We've passed more infrastructure bills than I can remember in my lifetime. The politicians failed us. Not the political system. There's no absence of greed anywhere in the world. What we do have is an absence of accountability in the U.S.

None of those nations are socialist by the way.


CaptnVwap t1_jaclsg6 wrote

German train rides always end with a shower


Ddranoel t1_jacwx1l wrote

The German train wouldn't even show up....


PossiblyLinux127 t1_jae08lg wrote

Most of the us didn't think that far ahead. (You can't put a train though a building)