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cinobalanos t1_ja38otb wrote

It's not a ghost, it's a Stand User!


BasakaIsTheStrongest t1_ja40qky wrote

Science is about adjusting your beliefs to fit observations. I do not believe in gods nor ghosts because I have never observed them, nor have I been convinced by the records of those who claim to have observed them. Should that change, I will adjust my beliefs accordingly. Science is about the possible, not the impossible.


Sir_Honytawk t1_ja7sgd2 wrote

If we could measure ghosts, science would quickly adapt to accept ghosts.

But until now, no ghost has ever been measured.


marvelnerd09 t1_ja3e1je wrote

i do not believe either of them. but only admire nature. oh wait..


CharanTheGreat t1_ja3a5di wrote

Science is the power of knowledge.

Religion is the power of faith.

We men of science - know. We do not believe. There is no place for belief. There is only truth.

The Emperor of Mankind had it right all along.

Faith will be the harbinger of your end. And your civilization.

Faith does not hold the answers. It is up to you to answer those burning questions yourself.

Those who believe in science are liars. They do not know the truth. They merely believe in what they think to be the truth.
