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djfnjxj t1_ja1wip3 wrote

What did u just say about my mother?!


mateusrp83 t1_ja1z8zb wrote

People don't wanna find out what's right (if there is a right). They wanna be right Cries in leftie


ruinousshe t1_ja2471l wrote

Don’t feel bad—a lot of people on here seem to just want to attack someone regardless of whether it’s justified. Many don’t seem to have any self awareness. If someone wants to be unreasonable and angry, there’s not really anything you can do about it.


BJ_Blitzvix t1_ja3uuoo wrote

I'm really sorry that this happened to you, OP.


aaropoll t1_ja49obk wrote

I never understand why people are trying to have life changing conversations or thinking that they can convert people's way of thinking in a comment section