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EmmerricktheImmortal t1_jaav48r wrote

And as an american I can say with certainty we see you as a bunch of starving poor people. But yeah let’s keep stereotyping people because it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.


DerpyMistake t1_jaaybyr wrote

That's not entirely accurate... I'm pretty sure they also wear rags and carry spears


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jaaw1ia wrote

really, your media is to blame. Not my perception


EmmerricktheImmortal t1_jaawk4k wrote

Probably shouldn’t believe what any media tells you. And again *you’re* media is really telling. No one should believe in the you vs me or us vs them. It tears people apart.


ForknifeMasta t1_jabxxk4 wrote

It's actually "your". "You're" is a contraction of "you are" and "your" is (quote from dictionary) "a form of the possessive case of you used as an attributive adjective: Your jacket is in that closet. I like your idea."

I like doing this when I see people argue and there's a grammar mistake. Just having fun lol


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jaawwod wrote

You're... As in the contraction of you are? As in the American school system fails again?


EmmerricktheImmortal t1_jaax4ro wrote

🤦‍♂️ You are so arrogant have you even visited America? Or are your entire perception based on media.


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jaayy46 wrote

You think I don't know what happened to the last bunch of Africans that went over there? Not so easy slave master John


[deleted] t1_jab0c26 wrote

Dawg shut the fuck up, wtf do you know ab America, yeah sorry we’re free, sorry you have to drink out of Ebola infested water. Sorry you shower whenever it rains bro🤷🏻‍♂️ our school system is fucked? Don’t y’all stone people to death in the street? My comment is the perfect example of the perception we have on 🫵🏻


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab13ck wrote

Hahaha "free" OK then, when Uncle Sam sends you Afghanistan it's a different story


[deleted] t1_jab1t59 wrote

I’ll willingly go fight for my country🤷🏻‍♂️ sorry bubba but that’s America. we protect our land 👍🏻


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab23xq wrote

YOUR land? On another continent? Since when?


[deleted] t1_jabcdwo wrote

If you’re referring to Native American Chris Columbus fucked them up😂 we own this shit now🖕🏻 I paid for my 37 acres, my home, truck, mustang. That’s how it works, I don’t remember the Indians having paperwork🫡


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jabctct wrote

I thought we were talking about Afghanistan. Also you invented paperwork to pretend like you had the right to be there in the first place. Finally.. . Why are you using emojis on reddit? :-/


sexwiththemoon t1_jabys52 wrote

Umm... akchualy 🤓 emojis aren't allowed on reddit 🖥. Only normies use them🤣🤣😂


goodluckonyourexams t1_jac1agg wrote

bro seems like rpging stereotypical US-American a little too well for it to be meant as a joke


Plastic_Garlic_4188 t1_jab2m4s wrote

Hahaha because the tailban was going to invade the US? Thank God Americans are shooting up their own streets trying to make America great again, oh wait....


Plastic_Garlic_4188 t1_jac35jx wrote

How about this stat. Americans make up about 4% of the world's population, but we have 20% of the world's population of people that are incarcerated. Land of the free and full of prisoners. As an American, I can say these people are so fucking stupid. They are Christians who don't know the teachings of christ, peacemakers with the biggest guns, capitalists who rely on the government to protect their business. I mean they elected a fascist from 2016 to 2020. Freedom!


jackiboyfan t1_jac4jnb wrote

Have fun having your village raided so that Warlord Ooga Booga can kidnap more child soldiers for his war against Warlord Eeke Wakka

So yeah, we have much more freedom and safety than your irrelevant ass hole in the ground


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jackz9l wrote

Lemme know the next time you guys win a war that isn't against yourselves... Hell you only win in the NBA, NFL, MBL because of exclusivity loooooooooool


jackiboyfan t1_jacoka8 wrote

Let me know when your country isn't drinking water that has human shit in it


icemanswga t1_jab48n9 wrote

Lmao. Who sold them to the slave traders? Africans were as involved in the slave trade as Europeans and Americans. This is not "whataboutism"'s more about throwing rocks in glass houses...


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab4k0h wrote

So now I should just get on the boat because you're "woke"

Still a hard pass. America sucks balls


icemanswga t1_jab4wz3 wrote

You're a fucking moron bud. I'm lots of things, but woke isn't one of them.

I'm glad you think "america" (it's a continent or two, not a country btw) sucks. That'll keep you from coming here and putting more stupid in the gene pool.


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab5auu wrote

I'm specifically referring to the USA. As referenced in the meme. South America and Canada rock... It's just you people... You ruin it for everyone, and I specifically mean you and everyone you're going to tel about this internet fight...


icemanswga t1_jab68vp wrote

Ok. Fine, sure thing. Everybody hates us until they need something, then they beg us to bail their asses out.

That internet you're using to spread the virus of your consciousness? We did that.

Millions of tons of food and water to feed and hydrate you dumb fucks that insist on living in a hostile to human existence wasteland? We sent that.

The attempt to convince you dumb fucks that the cure for aids is not fucking a bunch of virgins? We tried.

All the malaria and ebola mitigation measures we've developed to save your pitiful lives? Yup, that was us too.

Hate the u.s. and it's citizens all you want. Doesn't bother us. The fact is that you need us.


[deleted] t1_jabphr3 wrote

Straight facts, we’re the one everyone wants something from in America, this African idiot thinks he know everything about America while beating off in his hut, wouldn’t even pay any mind to this fucking idiot at this point


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab7ygf wrote

Aids, starvation, wasteland? I love in Northcliff, it's like your Hollywood, without racist gang banging cops. Also no, we don't need you. You just tell yourself whatever you need to to keep those suicidal white for thoughts away


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab8u3z wrote

Rather not, the trade embargoes had such a negative impact on our economy we may never recover. They could have sent a Squad to "liberate" us but we all know how Americans feel about killing other white people... Hiroshima, Nagasaki... Why not Berlin?


Plastic_Garlic_4188 t1_jac70xf wrote

Yeah there is plenty to stupid in the general pool of 'merica already, we can't afford to make it worse


Opportunity_Full t1_jad36dy wrote

ah yes because it totally wasnt your tribe masters selling your own people as slaves to rich white colonists for a piece of string and a marble.....fuckin dummy dont you have a lion to chase?


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jad3fi7 wrote

No, I keep my pet lions on a leash. Would you like to visit? It's feeding time


soaringparakeet t1_jabubaa wrote

You're only able to talk shit cause the Brits colonized your ass. I don't think phones come with "unga bunga" as a language option.


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jac9w5r wrote

Googles Unga bunga hmmm not a language... Once again the American school system has failed.
