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Witlok t1_jab471c wrote

Yes yes indeed. Fat American. Easy to follow. Bad healthcare and bad education, yes yes indeed… wait a sec? Did I go to college and get a degree in business and now work in finance? Oh crap, I think I just bought a house last spring as well?!?! Did I get married and can afford a vacation with my wife once a year? America sucks though. Wouldn’t recommend.


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab4nb4 wrote

Nice! Debt! The true American way of life!!


Witlok t1_jab54wp wrote

A lot of rich and successful people have more debt than you’d ever believe… I still make a good salary and can afford life in these trying times.


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab5qp4 wrote

Dude, I'm fucking with you? Why can't Americans handle being heckled? I too went to school... Skipped varsity because high-school didn't fail me and now I too have debt because I like buying stuff. Take a breath, a long shit and a good hard look at yourself in the mirror.

You take yourself so fucken seriously that when a random person on the internet says something you dedicated a moment of your life to make your opinions heard.

BTW it's 6am and I only start work at 8am

I have time for you, beef baby


Witlok t1_jacai4v wrote

Do you really think we care? That’s the funnest part of all of this. You must have read a tone that didn’t exist as I couldn’t care less about what you are saying. I was just participating on Reddit. I think your mad because no one liked your shit meme lol 😂


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jackmbq wrote

Lol, look at this normal with emojis. If you didn't care you wouldn't reply, just try ignoring me. It's a peaceful existence. Reddit has functionality to block users. Just block me and move on, no need to reply anymore. I have enough internet points for the day


Witlok t1_jacp2l1 wrote

I’m having fun with our conversation though. You’ve been here for 7 years? I see now why you are this way. I also understand why your karma is so low because you are a bit toxic here. I don’t block people unless they are purposely being racist or something. I hope you heal from whatever hurt you. And here are some more emojis. 😂😀🤤😭😃😄😁😆🤣😂😅