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icemanswga t1_jab48n9 wrote

Lmao. Who sold them to the slave traders? Africans were as involved in the slave trade as Europeans and Americans. This is not "whataboutism"'s more about throwing rocks in glass houses...


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab4k0h wrote

So now I should just get on the boat because you're "woke"

Still a hard pass. America sucks balls


icemanswga t1_jab4wz3 wrote

You're a fucking moron bud. I'm lots of things, but woke isn't one of them.

I'm glad you think "america" (it's a continent or two, not a country btw) sucks. That'll keep you from coming here and putting more stupid in the gene pool.


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab5auu wrote

I'm specifically referring to the USA. As referenced in the meme. South America and Canada rock... It's just you people... You ruin it for everyone, and I specifically mean you and everyone you're going to tel about this internet fight...


icemanswga t1_jab68vp wrote

Ok. Fine, sure thing. Everybody hates us until they need something, then they beg us to bail their asses out.

That internet you're using to spread the virus of your consciousness? We did that.

Millions of tons of food and water to feed and hydrate you dumb fucks that insist on living in a hostile to human existence wasteland? We sent that.

The attempt to convince you dumb fucks that the cure for aids is not fucking a bunch of virgins? We tried.

All the malaria and ebola mitigation measures we've developed to save your pitiful lives? Yup, that was us too.

Hate the u.s. and it's citizens all you want. Doesn't bother us. The fact is that you need us.


[deleted] t1_jabphr3 wrote

Straight facts, we’re the one everyone wants something from in America, this African idiot thinks he know everything about America while beating off in his hut, wouldn’t even pay any mind to this fucking idiot at this point


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab7ygf wrote

Aids, starvation, wasteland? I love in Northcliff, it's like your Hollywood, without racist gang banging cops. Also no, we don't need you. You just tell yourself whatever you need to to keep those suicidal white for thoughts away


uthini_mfowethu OP t1_jab8u3z wrote

Rather not, the trade embargoes had such a negative impact on our economy we may never recover. They could have sent a Squad to "liberate" us but we all know how Americans feel about killing other white people... Hiroshima, Nagasaki... Why not Berlin?


Plastic_Garlic_4188 t1_jac70xf wrote

Yeah there is plenty to stupid in the general pool of 'merica already, we can't afford to make it worse