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ChurchofPancake t1_jadnwop wrote

Ah, yes, because your rifle is a big concern to the government with its drones and tanks and nukes.

The whole “protection from the government” is nonsensical, it made sense back in the days when the government literally used the same guns as the citizens, but clearly times have changed.


endorfan13 t1_jadpo4s wrote

There are plenty of examples in recent history of underground resistance being incredibly tough to crack. It may seem nonsensical, but people to this day are doing it very well against tanks and drones and bombs. The US has more firearms than people. People are not subdued by tanks and drones. It takes other people to actually take a foothold in some territory. I bet you can imagine how much tougher that would become against a group that was well armed and supplied, dug in, and fortified (their own backyards). I don't think it is nonsensical at all.


Temporary-Fail-2535 t1_jadoeyf wrote

You cant nuke own country, its not a good busines tanks can be destroyed easly nowdays specialy in cities. I would affraid that microwave weapons they got now.


ChurchofPancake t1_jadonvo wrote

Have you seen a tank? How is the average American citizen going to “easily” destroy a tank? Or a flying bomber? Or a drone? Or any of the navy’s ships?


Temporary-Fail-2535 t1_jadow7r wrote

Apes together strong.


ChurchofPancake t1_jadpb3g wrote

800 billion dollars worth of the most deadly military technology on the planet also pretty damn strong


Temporary-Fail-2535 t1_jadpftc wrote

Bomb stronger even when hommade.


ChurchofPancake t1_jadprnr wrote

That is definitely not true lmao

Pretty sure my best crockpot pressure nail bomb isn’t gonna win against the the missile fired from a $40 million dollar predator drone


Temporary-Fail-2535 t1_jadr1xl wrote

You can make propper charge with simple stuff but thats not the point gov would have to fight the ressistence and that would be very bad for bussines and production and US got other nations on its back.


ChurchofPancake t1_jadrell wrote

I mean yes, the government would have to fight the resistance, but what’s the alternative? Give up?


Temporary-Fail-2535 t1_jadrozn wrote

I think that right to have gun is good for freedom but bad for bussines.


ChurchofPancake t1_jads0oa wrote

I think democracy is good for freedom and owning a gun has nothing to do with that

There are many countries in the world that DON’T have guns but score higher than America in terms of private liberties (freedom)