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RedModus OP t1_jadoqhp wrote

Armed populations are harder to oppress it's exactly why Germany got rid of all their guns right before they did some oppressive stuff. But you can trust the government it's for your safety


Landlocked_WaterSimp t1_jadrvsl wrote

Yet i can't recall ever hearing any german complain that they need weapons to defend their rights against the government. Amongst 80+ millions they must exist for sure but they seem extremely rare.

  • As others have stated it's not like regular firearms will be enough to seriously put up a fight against your government if the military is on their side (and if not, you won't need to bring you own guns most likely). Sure it would be better than nothing but you're keeping weapons around which cause many deaths each year for an absolutely minuscule benefit in a hypothetical scenario that is very unlikely to happen.

Rstrofdth t1_jadsg1n wrote

Yeah that rifle you have will definitely make the guy in a tank think twice or the guy with a rocket launcher.


RedModus OP t1_jadu9w5 wrote

So if they are not that dangerous you don't have any problem with everyone having them.


goodluckonyourexams t1_jadws0s wrote

yeah because we're all moving around in tanks


Roos19 t1_jaeewp3 wrote

He is indirectly calling the US military so weak they would lose to a bunch of rednecks in some ”freedom militia” if the US government wanna opress you they Will and they already are in some ways.


Peepeesucc_god t1_jadyxj3 wrote

That is the most stupid retort I've ever heard


TheTiredOldDude t1_jae5agc wrote

He's a moron go easy on him. Growing up they could only eat whatever paint chips they peeled of the wall.