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Rstrofdth t1_jadsg1n wrote

Yeah that rifle you have will definitely make the guy in a tank think twice or the guy with a rocket launcher.


RedModus OP t1_jadu9w5 wrote

So if they are not that dangerous you don't have any problem with everyone having them.


goodluckonyourexams t1_jadws0s wrote

yeah because we're all moving around in tanks


Roos19 t1_jaeewp3 wrote

He is indirectly calling the US military so weak they would lose to a bunch of rednecks in some ”freedom militia” if the US government wanna opress you they Will and they already are in some ways.


Peepeesucc_god t1_jadyxj3 wrote

That is the most stupid retort I've ever heard


TheTiredOldDude t1_jae5agc wrote

He's a moron go easy on him. Growing up they could only eat whatever paint chips they peeled of the wall.