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HashtagTSwagg t1_jaaei01 wrote

Isn't the hilt just a little bigger than the blade? Shouldn't it catch and just sit there?


cinobalanos t1_jaah4bi wrote

When you accidentally drop DEEZ NUTZ


BJ_Blitzvix t1_jabaw5s wrote

I don't get it. Can someone explain this to me?


PaulieCostello t1_jabk55o wrote

Wouldn't it switch off with no one holding it? Seems like there's been plenty of instances when someone's arm, or hand, has been cut off and their lightsaber just turns off.


jandros_quandry t1_jach77h wrote

It's from the last episode of the most recent season of rick and morty.

Morty gets a Lightsaber, and it makes the noises, then he drops it completely vertical meaning that it's going to hit the earth's core and destroy the planet for some reason.


Exterminateer t1_jackydp wrote

A lightsaber might be able to cut anything but it cant displace everything meaning that at some point the matter it cuts doesnt have anywhere else to go and its just going to sit there in the molten material that it melts. A common misconception is that lightsabers just delete whatever they touch but no thats not how things work.

Im awful at parties


frikimanHD t1_jadkidc wrote

it has a security system that makes sure that someone is holding the lightsaber while it's on, so if you drop it it will turn off instantly


frikimanHD t1_jadkqhb wrote

it has a security system, it detects the pressure of a hand holding it, and if it doesn't detect that pressure anymore it turns off. That's why you need lots of training to do stuff like throwing it and make it come back while turned on like darth vader did


frikimanHD t1_jadl1gm wrote

i'm worse than you, the lightsaber would turn itself off due to the security system it has built in that detects the pressure of the welder, and if that pressure disapears, the lightsaber turns off automatically.