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ADudeWhoWantsEggs t1_jaduuha wrote

Steareotypes ≠ racism

Here come the downvotes


MinisterCrack t1_jady0vc wrote

Do you like eggs? I asked you based on your name and profile picture, not because of your name and profile picture


Unhelpful_imp t1_jae09eo wrote

reminds me of when twitter tried to cancel speedy gonzales, and a bunch of actual mexican people went against this bc they liked him


Brandeeno2245 t1_jadyhva wrote

To be fair, tequila Gundam isn't even the worst Gundam in that series.

I'm pretty sure the African Gundam is the worst one, but the windmill Gundam is just straight up funny.


Skowak13 OP t1_jae0x77 wrote

Zebra Gundam is bad only because it's the wrong country. It's based on the Zulu, but is the rep of Neo Kenya.

That's not as bad as the Malaysian Gundam which is just a monkey with a skull


Brandeeno2245 t1_jaecmf8 wrote

We could go through all the Gundams in that specific Gundam series, but I think we will find that most of them are hilarious stereotypes bordering on offensive except maybe a specific few.

Except nether Gundam, again it's a giant windmill which is just outright ridiculous.


ResetButton27 t1_jaetanu wrote

The windmill is the Nether Gundam and it has a very loyal fan base


Brandeeno2245 t1_jaewd1h wrote

I am aware, I love that goofy thing and if I were to buy a model it would be nether Gundam.


wimpykidfan37 t1_jadyvvp wrote

The Simpsons took away Apu. Who's next? Groundskeeper Willie?


JustAnAce t1_jae6wge wrote

This bottle of mine is burning red, it's loud cry tells me to drink.


SofiaPizza t1_jae89co wrote

As a Mexican I tell you that you do not decide what offends us and what does not


BittyJupiter_1 t1_jae4i72 wrote

I was so confused for a second I thought this was on r/Gundam