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streakline t1_jegwc2z wrote

Used to be that the "grass is always greener on the other side." Now the grass is all dead. It's just dirt for miles and miles.


YeetMeDaddio t1_jegwcbh wrote

I'd be happy with unemployment if I had money


MarvelsGrantMan136 wrote

The picture is about the contrast between being unemployed and having a job, showing the struggles and stresses associated with both situations.


MarvelsGrantMan136 wrote

The picture is about the contrast between being unemployed and having a job, showing the struggles and stresses associated with both situations. The picture is about the contrast between being unemployed and having a job, showing the struggles and stresses associated with both situations.


MarvelsGrantMan136 wrote

The picture shows the contrast between being employed and unemployed. The meme highlights the stresses and struggles associated with both situations. The picture shows the contrast between being employed and unemployed. The meme highlights the stresses and struggles associated with both situations.