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Yabrosif13 t1_je9fkzt wrote

Lmao, this would be how people see themselves who think “I got the last word so therefore Im right”


Lexicon444 t1_jed5jpv wrote

Yeah. I have Autism. I live with it and as such have first hand experience with it. Someone decided to argue on Reddit about how my explanation of stimming is wrong. I literally do it when I’m bored or anxious as do others on the spectrum and stimming varies from person to person and you can redirect unhealthy stimming (stuff that hurts you or is unpleasant for others) gradually by changing to a more healthy stimming. For example I used to bite my nails and lips but I’ve redirected to just rubbing my index and middle fingers together. My therapist helped me with this. Yet somehow the fact that I’ve lived through it and a medical professional helped me with it makes my explanation inherently wrong somehow?

I left it alone after that and no doubt they felt superior in that regard.