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PhurShur t1_jecdj2l wrote

Charles Darwin was a FREE Mason. All these scientists that many admire are Masons. They give you some.truth with a lie. Evolution is the biggest lie ever told. True Christians that are Followers and Disciples of Christ use discernment to see past the lies. Big Bang theory came from a Jesuit Vatican priest......Can't believe in God and how he created the earth and trust this lie Science has given us. Godless people have no peace inside. Reason they keep admiring other people. Science isn't total bs. They have many agendas that play out. I mean people trust Science so much they listen to Bill Gates mention he wants to help the world lower its population with a jab and many keep getting boosters and many more keep drying. Science like Religion can be twisted in evil ways


KingOfThePlayPlace t1_jecmgvz wrote

Masons or not they provided evidence for their claims, Charles Darwin studied the birds on the Galápagos Islands, Georges Lemaitre (who came up with the Big Bang theory) recorded the cosmic background radiation. It’s not a lie, it’s humans finding patterns in nature and the universe, thinking of reasons for those patterns, and then testing to see if they’re true or false. I have no problem with religion but I do have a problem with religious people claiming that there’s no evidence in science when the only “evidence” of god is a 2,000+ year old book.