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Deathwatch30 t1_jdu3rze wrote

Idk, this guy just fixed my biggest issue with strawberries... The seeds and texture of the peel just ruin em


rickyraken t1_jdub71i wrote

I thought it was a before and after picking up a pepper.


Glitchkrieg21 t1_jdubpe0 wrote

I am having second thoughts about if humanity should continue to exist after seeing this.


edvards55 t1_jdufxd5 wrote

What kind of strawberries are white on the inside


Illusive_Tomski t1_jduwl66 wrote

Is this real or is it a pear made to look like a peeled strawberry


MechanicalMelonz t1_jdv36ce wrote

Look, I may be a paranoid schizophrenic, but this shit is psychotic.


A_lonely_Person25_v2 t1_jdv6gy9 wrote

I don't eat streabery and I know I need to expand my range of healthy food... but this even angers me


Feoress t1_jdv8mkr wrote

I’m curious though if people who are allergic are allergic to the seeds themselves with the exterior or the whole thing. Like making this potentially a legitimate but disturbing way to eat them


FireInHisBlood t1_jdvb3v9 wrote

What have you done? You brutally murdered a lone strawberry! Now it will never grow up to be on a cheesecake, or a angel's food cake, or my girlfriend, or my boyfriend!


Ga_Me_Mer t1_jdvg9sj wrote

The person who did this...

Is a psycopath

Is a sociopath

Is a twitter clown

deserves to die in the worst way possible

deserves to burn in hell

PS: I never knew that strawberries were white


BluringSleeplessness t1_jdvp3n8 wrote

This is actually a real thing. When you make strawberry jelly, you have to remove the seeds. The seeds for strawberries are those little bumps on the skin. You literally skin them. (Big companies use fancy robots and super filters and whatnot. I don't have that option, though.)

You also do this with some pastry fillings, purees, and whatnot. I usually do this when I make strawberry crepe filling. I don't like the texture of seeds in it.


Blaze0456 t1_jdvu2t0 wrote

Here come the popo too much murder


GivemTheDDD t1_jdw4f48 wrote

If you accidentally swallow some strawberry seeds, smoke a cigarette to counter the toxins. It works for apple seeds so it should work for strawberry seeds.


Soul_Script_Exo t1_jdwexrq wrote

YO- I'M FUCKING SICK- whoever did this shit? I hope you get a goddamn illness. I'm sorry.


ongitshim t1_jdxb2bg wrote

if youre not peeling your strawberries then idk what youre doing


09az5 t1_jdyrp65 wrote



Hamad1027 t1_jdzvlew wrote

Whoever did this needs to be arrested