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Unique_Display_Name t1_jebxlm3 wrote

I would have put it like this (I'm not a vegan)

Vegan: I'm a vegan but I understand humans are naturally omnivores so I wont be a dick about it.

Non vegan: I eat meat but I wont gloat about it because I understand you think it is murder. l dont want animals to be tortured, so I avoid factory farming.


RetartedCow4774 OP t1_jebzq99 wrote

Factory farming is fucked in countless ways for example the chickens are humongous. I have free range chickens who eat a plentiful and are half the size of those in factories. But also the prices on free ranged meat is higher which makes most people buy factory farmed meat.


Unique_Display_Name t1_jec5ctz wrote

I wish it were cheaper to eat ethically! Bc of that I eat less meat these days and feel better! I'm not a vegan bc I absolutely cant get the nutrition I need without supplements and I fucking love cheese.

That's cool you keep chickens!


RetartedCow4774 OP t1_jec9k2m wrote

I keep them for eggs i don’t butcher them two of them sadly passed one passed while we were out and sadly was too long gone to eat but one of them passed and we found her about 15 minutes after i would say judging upon she was still warm and not very stiff so we did eat her and the other got buried. I do agree cheese is fucking awesome


Unique_Display_Name t1_jeca5wg wrote

Fresh eggs sound πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


TheLegoBoi940 t1_jedo1rb wrote

they are. we have a few chickens and we get fresh eggs every day, no need to worry about paying for 'em


RetartedCow4774 OP t1_jee5d78 wrote

Nothing like cracking open a fresh warm egg for breakfast. I get about 10-12 eggs a day from mine.