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Psycho-FangSenpai t1_je85m1a wrote

Violence isn't always an answer, but it is always an option.


Fred_of_thy_bread t1_je9nrg5 wrote

Correction it’s always the best answer. You can solve hunger, overpopulation and racism although the last one requires some racism


MonKeePuzzle t1_jebs8wv wrote

is it though? <-- which is me disagreeing with you. we are now in a disagreement, where is your option for violence against me?


meatywhole t1_jeceii6 wrote

A verbal assault. You're mum's a whore.


Remote_Person5280 t1_je7w0xe wrote

We will never be past this.

Sometimes violence is the answer.


thebestroll t1_je8nlrc wrote

Too often it is not


Big-Net2843 t1_je9557i wrote

Check your history books. Almost everything is solved by violence.


Business_Smile t1_je9dyjw wrote

Most of the solving, if not all happens after. Would be nice to Skip the first part.


Axis_Sage t1_je9gyac wrote

Because people chose to solve it that way lol


WreckitWrecksy t1_jebtgz6 wrote

Might makes right. Unfortunately we are animals


Remote_Person5280 t1_jecids1 wrote

No, it doesn’t.

Right is right, and wrong is wrong.

Being mighty or weak does not change that.


Business_Smile t1_je9dzip wrote

I wouldn't be so sure about that.


Remote_Person5280 t1_je9l5uk wrote

Several guests of the German government from 1939 to 1945 would disagree with you.

If they were available to ask, I’m sure they would argue that violence was the acceptable answer there.


Saldrakka t1_je869pk wrote

Good thing nothing in the animal world is violent


[deleted] t1_jeaaq5g wrote



Saldrakka t1_jeaflyt wrote

Except for every major conflict in history. It sucks it's terrible but it's an unfortunate byproduct of life. From the animal kingdom to humanity, it will always exist


Lightning5021 t1_je7w680 wrote

We so not get “past it” its just nature to get overly angry sometimes


Suspicious_Slug t1_je7wm4i wrote

Nobody is willing to wake up to see how we are all being played against each other while the pigs on Capitol Hill get fat and laugh at us in their ivory towers


keep_trying_username t1_je9yxkb wrote

> Nobody is willing to wake up to see how

Venn diagram of:

  • People who believe they are one of the few who can really see what's going on, and everyone else is sheep.

  • Losers who aren't doing anything to change the way things are, and are waiting for someone else to change things.

"Nobody else sees" is just an angry way of saying "someone else needs to fix things for me." Successful, content people don't act that way, unless they're in media and winding other people up for votes or advertising.


Suspicious_Slug t1_je9zfan wrote

I'm fine man and if crap hits the fan I've taken measures to ensure my families safety. Don't know why trying to tell people to start seeing the signs is a bad thing and I no way suggested that I was the only one lots of Americans are beginning to wake. Is your attitude towards what I said helping anything either? I don't go around begging for help im all set and can manage myself and I am allowed to worry for my fellow countrymen. Sorry if that bothers you


[deleted] t1_jea861c wrote

r/conspiracytheories here's a community for you


Suspicious_Slug t1_jeab8q5 wrote

Big brain redditor over here linking another sub without saying what was a conspiracy. Maybe you should visit r/therewasanattempt


jimmy_jams2000 t1_jedqhzv wrote

We should use violence against them...


Suspicious_Slug t1_jeemp3y wrote

Unless you have the full force of the people behind you from both sides of the isle you'll just be labeled a terrorist unfortunately. Government will never admit they are corrupt enough to warrant us to use the constitution to remove them so that responsibility falls squarely on us.


AshsShugar t1_je9cknu wrote

What do those have to do with people that live in the civilized world?


Suspicious_Slug t1_jeacdv6 wrote

Your "civilized world" has been having tons of riots, political violence lies being perpetrated by mainstream media when congress is about to do another patriot act on us under the guise of something benevolent. Maybe it has just a little bit to do with people that live in the civilized world. Fucking hell how dense is reddit?


[deleted] t1_jeacm59 wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jead4fq wrote

Very appropriate to joke about a school shooting. Disgusting monster.


[deleted] t1_jeaeb1o wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jeaequk wrote

I'm not the one shooting kids I'm just making jokes about it not even a week after the fact. Yeah you are a monster. Won't even humor the idea you have any humanity given your demeanor throughout the conversation.


[deleted] t1_jeahzw5 wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jeaietm wrote

You making a joke about shooting up a school is highly inappropriate no matter if you agree with me or not and you're still a slimy bastard for doing so. And please take that self serving shit out of here im sure I wherever you're from has far less freedoms than we do here


[deleted] t1_jeaj1k9 wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jeajpb2 wrote

Funny how you still haven't said where you're from. Also what was even that sentence get offended when mocked but the act itself doesn't make you flinch? What are you talking about?


[deleted] t1_jeakuzw wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jealenm wrote

Come on man if you're so much better than us please tell me where you hail from so I can live a better life. Or are you just full of shit?


[deleted] t1_jeamxre wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jean2yg wrote

That's not a country moron


[deleted] t1_jeanfhg wrote



[deleted] t1_jee8gs5 wrote



[deleted] t1_jee8sfr wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jee9tjc wrote

Keep making jokes, shows how terrible of a person you are. Did you get an education since then and learn what country you live in?


[deleted] t1_jee9zqr wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jeea322 wrote

This coming from the guy who thinks Europe is a country haha


[deleted] t1_jeea992 wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jeeag5b wrote

I asked what country are you from and you replied "Europe, obviously" apparently your memory is just as bad as your personality. And I dunno if that was supposed to be an insult but good attempt.


[deleted] t1_jeec9jz wrote



[deleted] t1_jeecnhd wrote



[deleted] t1_jeee6nt wrote



[deleted] t1_jeeecsx wrote



[deleted] t1_jeeeg34 wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jeeeolj wrote

You just keep going don't you? Monsters like you have no place here


[deleted] t1_jeejmar wrote



Suspicious_Slug t1_jeeko0h wrote

No im blaming you for any of your countries crimes since you seem to have the gall to do that to me and lavel me a shooter. Lots of mass stabbings in Europe that I know. Guess I should add petulant child as well as monster to your name

Edit: I looked up the crime stats for your area and you have just as many stabbings as we do shooting. And if you ask me that's far worse


ConsistentPosition63 t1_je91xrk wrote

Making it way too real dude


LocksmithPrett t1_je961h9 wrote

What it is literally in human nature even if you get rid of money and the rich remove anyone with anger issues people are going to divide themselves into factions and sometimes


Axis_Sage t1_je9h8ki wrote

Being divided in factions doesn't mean conflicts will get solved by violence

On the other hand removing money and people with anger issues won't achieve much because there are more reasons people develop anger issues


Suspicious_Slug t1_je9ztsc wrote

Sorry if me addressing the increasing political violence, riots, inflation overall horrible quality of life if a little to "real" for your sensitive ass. Better start treating this seriously before its too late


PJRama1864 t1_je9hs7e wrote

If it hadn’t been for an appropriate use of violence, the Nazis would likely still be in power.

Thinking that violence is inherently immoral is an immature way of thinking. Violence is amoral depending on what it’s used for.


keep_trying_username t1_je9zu4f wrote

The meme is about using violence to settle disagreements. Your counter is that violence is needed to stop genocide. Two completely different things.

There would have been no need to stop the Nazis, if the Nazis were non-violent.


PJRama1864 t1_jea25h1 wrote

Disagreement is a broad term. Any type of conflict can, in essence, be considered a disagreement.


ZqQC- t1_je8ewox wrote

A couple of thousands years of civilization vs 200k years of humans.. guess instinct isn’t completely rooted out. Violence is a form of communication.


robodudeable t1_je965ga wrote

A lot of the time it works when nothing else does


MoltenJellybeans t1_je8oofx wrote

Violence breeds violence

But in the end it has to be this way


MasterMuffles t1_je8eyz0 wrote

I've said it before and I'll say it again

Violence is never the answer

Violence is a question.

And the answer is yes


Acoustic-Sky t1_je8r83g wrote

Violence solves things regardless of if you're right or wrong xD If you're stronger you win, if not you lose.


bulb127 t1_je998n9 wrote

A shotgun in the back of the head of every offending pedophile is not controversial no matter what anyone says.


iacob_p t1_je8lyxa wrote

Yes. Let's fight


SmartFrldge t1_je8mi98 wrote

It is, bring back voluntary gladiator fights and 1v1 duels with flintlock pistols.


TheSticc t1_je9bstj wrote

Most other living things on earth that are capable of thought use violence to solve problems. I don’t think we’re unique


Axis_Sage t1_je9i5ui wrote

Animals operate on instinct


Express-Set-8843 t1_je9ilp1 wrote

So do a lot of people


Axis_Sage t1_je9itgf wrote

Well that's the problem imo


Express-Set-8843 t1_je9oowq wrote

What's the solution?


Axis_Sage t1_jea8ocq wrote

Operating on logic? Lol


Express-Set-8843 t1_jea9c1q wrote

That's a destination without a roadmap.

How are we going to get people to operate on logic?


Give-Valk-Acog t1_jebgstd wrote

Even I, who uses logic as often as I can in most cases, can not logically come up with a way to get others to operate on logic


PetrolDrink t1_je9g6h7 wrote

I'd much rather get along than trying to poke holes in people I don't like...


suckmahballs42 t1_je80asx wrote

If tryna make friends with them didn’t work, violence is the only other way. Violence is not always the awnser, but it sometimes is.

I said sender instead of awnser for some reason I corrected myself


Lazy-Barber-3556 t1_je8amnj wrote

Ahem. Wars and political debates, if not being able to be solved through dialogue. Should be settled in a ring.

No champions, no hired fighters. Only the politicians/leaders who are looking to solve the problem.


Grimm3806 t1_je987b2 wrote

We will never get past that. Just like how we’ll never get past bigotry or rape. People fucking suck my guy


Slash_86 t1_je8pess wrote

Violence is not the answer. violence is the question and the answer is yes


platypottamus t1_je80vxl wrote

Consider a situation where you can get away with it. Is anybody paying you to handle it differently? Almost never. I’m not condoning it, but unless it becomes much easier or more rewarding to pick a different path, it will certainly happen.


Axis_Sage t1_je9i0fe wrote

Is anyone paying people to handle it with violence? 👀


platypottamus t1_je9isd1 wrote

Missing the point but yes that actually happens a lot lol


Axis_Sage t1_je9jczs wrote

Are we talking about like bouncers at clubs or the police because I don't think I've seen it happen otherwise 🤔


platypottamus t1_je9k5td wrote

Those are two examples and there are more, but nobody’s paying me to write em all out. Debt persuasion is another good one


Axis_Sage t1_je9md8e wrote

Well in that case it's the person's own fault for getting in debt so that would make sense
I interpreted the post to be about all situations in general


whitecoe t1_je8dyyu wrote

In short terms, yes


Eastern-Candidate-77 t1_je8jcc8 wrote

Violence is never the answer it is the question and the answer is always yes


Dallas_Miller t1_je8vk72 wrote

In the words of the latest character in the hit FPS fantasy game Overwatch made by Blizzard, Ramattra, "I will speak to you in the language you understand - Violence!"


OverallDingo2 t1_je8yi0i wrote

Violence isnt the answer, its the question.

And the answer is yes.


Sufficient-Loss2686 t1_je90zxk wrote

Why on earth would you think we, the species that needs war to turn the wheel of industry and progress, would be past violence lol


FlyingTiger7four t1_je95hqx wrote

We're not civilized enough to get past violence, and we haven't evolved enough to possess the mental capacity not to be controlled by our emotions


komiks42 t1_je96ozg wrote

Violence is an anwser If it don't work, you simply don't use enough off it


Enigmars t1_je9bole wrote

We are..........


just the boomers aren't


FINDERFEED t1_je9c6kr wrote

Sadly not all of us. I rarely meet people my age(19) in dota and if someone makes a small mistake they threat them with death or something even worse. I know its just words but they sound very scary.


Enigmars t1_je9ebeo wrote

Man that's disappointing. I'm hoping those guys are just immature and this is temporary.

I'm 19 too and every single person I met who's my age has for the most part shared my vibe and believes that violence is logically stupid


AshsShugar t1_je9chns wrote

it has been for a few thousand years.


NapalmDesu t1_je9fqy9 wrote

U wanna fight about it bruv?


_C_ommunist t1_je9i7yd wrote

violence isn't the answer, violence is the question and the answer is yes.


KingCrowdKilla t1_je9iooy wrote

If violence isn’t the answer, you’re asking the wrong question


Famous_Fisherman_568 t1_je9iss1 wrote

Violence isn't the answer. It's the question. And the answer is yes.


VortexLord t1_je9j9pg wrote

Human's true instinct is to fight or protect since the beginning. Unless they understand one another which can settle peacefully, but they don't listen sometimes, just so gullible.


Gaz115 t1_je9k14w wrote

What made you think we were?


alien2835 t1_je9ms11 wrote

Violence is sometimes needed. Slavery doesn’t exist in the US because we murdered the slavers. It’s not ideal, but sometimes it’s a necessary evil.


dilly123456 t1_je9nlhh wrote

Talking things out can be awkward, the only thing awkward about violence is the silence that comes afterwards.


Maerzgeborener t1_je9o0mm wrote

You choose violence, because threatening to use violence wasn't enough.


GraySub t1_je9ob7b wrote

Violence isn't the answer, it's a question to which the answer is yes


Abusing-Green t1_je9p17j wrote

"Settling disagreements" is what people who cannot solve their problems with force do.

Violence is solving your problems with force. As you should when you're able.


A50redit t1_je9qv17 wrote

War. War never changes


Goblin_Bird_Grabber t1_je9qzrc wrote

society was past violence? news to me. also, nothing is written in stone. history repeats itself because history is forgotten.


PaleCrusader97 t1_je9r5gc wrote

It depends on the situation, I think it’s an amazing way to end cancel culture, someone threatens to record you or take your job cuz their feelings are hurt just send them to the hospital sure there may be some consequences in the beginning but if we get enough people to respond to cancel culture this way I think will finally end this issue


sootbrownies t1_je9rrwi wrote

When did anyone have an opportunity to seriously think we, as a species, were past violence ?


Cultural_Map_9065 t1_je9rxwt wrote

On the note of violence, wouldn't so many of bad things happening in movies would be solved with just a little violence instead of a "The power of friendship fixes everything speach"? Just break their knees & execute them, problem solved


Alien_X10 t1_je9udot wrote

"I will speak to you in a language you understand, VIOLENCE!"


Moist-Carpet888 t1_jea39kj wrote

Idk I never jumped anyone before but I've been jumped, I generally settle those disagreements with violence cause we'll they won't stop beating me until I'm able to hurt them enough to get away or I'm messed up myself. It's the most effective method I've found as trying to reason with them verbally generally involves me getting hit in the face again, which as I'm sure you can understand is uncomfortable and quiet undesirable


Ender_0m3ga t1_jea3bg2 wrote

It's not an acceptable way, IT'S the way


[deleted] t1_jea7z2l wrote

In times of global instability and insecurity you start to see the ugliness in humanity come out. We're a product of our physical environment and if you threw society back to the medieval age we wouldn't be any less civilized then those who lived back then


blademaster552 t1_jea8fib wrote

While not the best option, violence qualifes as a solution. It does end disagreements. The parties may still not agree after, but they may no longer be able to. Therefore, disagreement ended.


Orinay_YT t1_jea8pkg wrote

Sometimes blunt force is necessary to get the point through


Lighthuro t1_jeabq45 wrote

It's the most effective way.

Deleting the source of disturbance is always the most effective way to settle the matter.


mm2_gamer t1_jeae3gh wrote

Centuries of that says yes and no in the same time


firedudeanother t1_jeafsm8 wrote

Violence is always AN answer, it’s just not a legal one


PJ-The-Awesome t1_jeaii0a wrote

Remember kids:

Violence isn't the answer. Violence is a question, and the answer is yes.


stefanSfermat t1_jeapkml wrote

Is this person serious? The answer is "No, we will never be past this." Basic human behavior hasn't changed since Stonehenge was just a glint in some Neolithic eye.

Look around the world: Mass murder, rape and starvation as a weapon of war; kidnapping, imprisonment, and murder of children on a massive scale by state actors.

2000 years ago, Jesus exhorted his followers to do better by turning the other cheek; by giving the stranger their cloak; by feeding and hosting the stranger. Look around and tell me if you see that going on.

Instead, we've got Jesus pictured with his trusty AR-15. We've got people dying because they can't afford health care. We've got people saying they SHOULD just die if they can't pay up. We've got Cadet Bonespurs von Grabber declared to be God's Chosen One.

No, the human race is never getting past this.


Goatymcgoatface10 t1_jeb4dqm wrote

It will always be with us. No getting past human nature


PvPPenguin4409 t1_jeb6jt9 wrote

Depends on the situation, but usually yes


Uppity-Eldian t1_jebcmpi wrote

As long as there are people who oppress others & those sick and tired of being oppressed, we're never past violence.


This_User_For_Rent t1_jebfe7j wrote

The real question you have to ask is: acceptable to who?

Only once you've answered that will the original be able to have an answer worth listening too.


Give-Valk-Acog t1_jebffpy wrote

Until we stop having wars we will never be past this, you can be above it and not actively participate in it but it will always be apart of humanity at its core rather we hate it or embrace it


Give-Valk-Acog t1_jebfgpz wrote

Until we stop having wars we will never be past this, you can be above it and not actively participate in it but it will always be apart of humanity at its core rather we hate it or embrace it


BoiFrosty t1_jebhgv7 wrote

Honestly I wish we could still duel people. Everyone would be so much more polite.


shadowz9904 t1_jebs4ce wrote

What do you mean, it’s the ONLY way to solve problems! Violence isn’t the answer, it’s the question, and the answer is YES!


wjs5 t1_jec13n7 wrote

No, but also yes


IbIGr00ster t1_jec1bxw wrote

Yep, violence never happens anywhere else in nature. Just purely a man made thing.......🙄


uneedguns t1_jecjkfa wrote

People who think we are past the point of waging wars and killing each other need to pick up a history book


where_didIcome_from t1_je84njx wrote

we're past this, it's rich people who think of the planet as their playground who aren't 😐

also people with anger issues lol


infrinted_Nico t1_je8hpgn wrote

What it is literally in human nature even if you get rid of money and the rich remove anyone with anger issues people are going to divide themselves into factions and sometimes when things are going horribly wrong it takes one person to say this is the group that is at falt... I forgot what else I was going to say I'm to tired and high to argue currently