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OceanSavior2468 t1_jee30bu wrote

shouldnt be worrying of reddit ig, cause it cant load the data in time


Inevitable-Yogurt783 t1_jedwy6t wrote

It is a concern only if the company is outside the US otherwise please keep collecting and make NSA job easier.


probablynotreallife t1_jedwead wrote

I have no privacy concerns because I have nothing worth stealing.


tofiffe t1_jeefo73 wrote

Imagine one day walking into a store. You walk past the shelves, as prices update based on what the store knows about you (what you browse on social media, watch on yt, ...). Lower the price to make you buy stuff you don't need, but they know you're going to buy. Increase the price if they know you'll absolutely need it.

No, that is not speculative, we have every single building block for this, it's just not implemented together yet.


KevinFlantier t1_jeez6ar wrote

I will argue this already exists online. Especially in the travel industry.

If you are browsing for plane or train tickets you should always do it in private mode because those cookies are going to drive the price up next time you connect.


probablynotreallife t1_jeelnut wrote

I wish them the best of luck trying to get me to buy anything I don't need and if the things I do need become prohibitively expensive then they're just going to lose one insignificant consumer.


tofiffe t1_jeeuuom wrote

hard to lose a customer if everyone is going to do it


probablynotreallife t1_jeeves2 wrote



KevinFlantier t1_jeez1aj wrote

The next store over knows how much the previous store was charging you so they're gonna practice the same price with a marginal placebo discount. In the end you've lost a significant amount of time swapping stores for a very negligible gain, and you've been robbed either way.


probablynotreallife t1_jef27su wrote

You seem to have completely misunderstood what I was intimating. I was referring to moving on but not to a different store.


KevinFlantier t1_jef2h7g wrote

Yeah but you need to eat at some point you can't just pass everything


Western_Giraffe9517 t1_jedy3zs wrote

We have no privacy concerns because we have nothing worth stealing YET


probablynotreallife t1_jedyf9x wrote

That makes no sense.


Fury_Blackwolf t1_jee06sq wrote

I think he implies all redditors are children which lack any sort of income or real ownership.


probablynotreallife t1_jee1zur wrote

Well some of us are old fucks who lack any sort of income or real ownership because life is a fucking torturous nightmare from start to finish.


Intelligent_Steak532 t1_jefe3ax wrote

That's like saying "I don't need free speech because I have nothing to say"


probablynotreallife t1_jeff7yu wrote

It's really not. My lack of stuff is not equivalent to an entire peoples' right to freedom of speech.


ngiotis t1_jefr64k wrote

They're not foreign dictatorship owned companies from our sole political semi rival


Acoustic-Sky t1_jefuere wrote

People really forgot how bad the KiK app used to be back in the day


YFleiter t1_jee3b81 wrote

Only thing I’d be worried about is my bank account. Hopefully that’s safe enough. The rest is just cringe data of mine nobody wants anyway.


KevinFlantier t1_jeezn42 wrote

That's the issue. Everyone thinks their data is irrelevant, but if that were the case big companies wouldn't by buying those data in bulk for billions.

What you like, what you think, what opinions you have, even what game you play or what movie you enjoy can be used against you to manipulate you. Be it to steer you towards one election candidate, or to sell you shit. It will at some point be used against you without your knowledge. And the worst part is that it all feels insignificant, but it's definitely not.

Privacy is important, even if your data is cringe.


ngiotis t1_jefr07b wrote

No no they think they can use it but they're wrong. You can advertise w.e to me if I wanted it I probably already have it or am saving for it. If I didn't want it before your ad does nothing. Ads only work on simple minded people that can be manipulated. So yea I don't care about my preference data being available worst case scenario is I get ads more likely to be for stuff I want but it's not like it's fucking mind control. They can't make me spend any money.


NeoAnims t1_jefkx3o wrote

i hate facebook the most because they ALWAYS make their ads in spanish so you dont know to close or to open the app and they always add a fake x


bblulz t1_jefuhwd wrote

nah, anything owned by meta is gonna be fine, zucc’s lobbying the government


Joroc24 t1_jegk8jj wrote

It's ok. You're all good american citizens.


WitherYeet t1_jegxvoi wrote

Gotta start somewhere and the worst social media is the best place to start banning