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ckotaku3 t1_je6nw64 wrote

world is shit, always has been, pretty much always will be. big deal, nothing we can do


TheNiceFrenchMan t1_je6nz0q wrote

The people who think homework is stupid are usually the people who don't do it. And the people who don't do their homework are usually the ones that don't understand anything at the exam and start crying. Trust me y'all, do you homeworks, that's how I got through highschool without ever needing to open a book to study.

Edit: alright guys, I know you have some strong opinions on this, but instead of downvoting me, try to show me your point of view. Just downvoting me isn't going to make me learn anything other than "shut up".


snowtaiga1 t1_je6oc2f wrote

childhood be so boring without and id never make friends


0vernicko t1_je6oclm wrote

So.. exactly what are you producing?


TheNiceFrenchMan t1_je6ptkh wrote

No, of course you don't need it to succeed. What I'm saying is, you're going to succeed better by doing it. You're going to retain information way better if you do some homework after a class than if you just go home and start playing a video game. It's kind of the equivalent of redoing the important parts of the class. I'm not saying homework is fun, I'm saying it's useful if you do it well.


YeetMeDaddio t1_je6q868 wrote

Think it depends on the kind of homework.

Like giving larger projects that allow students to devote time and study to it can be very beneficial, but the sheets of homework being given out everyday often has the opposite effect. Students just learn it to answer the questions and pass the test but never really commit it to memory.


ItsTHECarl t1_je6qr8b wrote

Why don't teachers just review in class then?

Also, all of the public school system is designed to make better, more compliant employees. Literally comes from the mouth of Rockefeller, who founded the education board.


TheNiceFrenchMan t1_je6qtih wrote

You are right on that point. Having small sheets of homework until an exam to just vomit it on a paper is the worse thing. I'm a good example. I can't really recall most of the things I learned in highschool because this method was employed. It is beneficial on the short term, but not in the long term. Thank you for taking some time to give me your point of view:)


TheNiceFrenchMan t1_je6r3xl wrote

What do you mean by review in class? You also have to take in consideration that not every school system is the same even if they might share similarities. I can tell you my highschool did not prepare me to be a compliant employee.


No_Magician_7374 t1_je6rnen wrote

I dunno. I'm going back to school in my 30's, and doing my homework is making a world of difference in helping me understand what's going on. Math was always my weakest subject in HS and has always remained weak for me...I'm still spinning back up on how to be a student again, but I'm staying pretty disciplined about my algebra hw, and I'm crushing it this semester. So...can't say I really agree with this take, OP.


TheNiceFrenchMan t1_je6s831 wrote

That's what they do where I live. They usually try to make you do the work in class and give plenty enough time to do it. If you aren't done, then you do it at your home. Usually people that weren't done were those that just messed around. They were the same that complained about the homeworks later on.


SomeLikeItDusty t1_je7j5xk wrote

School is what allows our society to keep child labour from being a thing, education is not labour. Talk about r/confidentlyincorrect


garbage-at-life t1_je7qg6e wrote

what do you think you would be doing if you weren't at school huh? that's right, child labor.


Tall_Toad t1_je94d9o wrote

School is also a kind of day care for adolescents so their parents can go to work and participate in the labour force.


jet-man_420 t1_jea4x1a wrote

Then stop going and see what happens. BTW I agree with the no homework. Take a look at Finland's education system.