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Mulder1917 t1_iui6867 wrote

Real Housewives of Dragon


RepostSleuthBot t1_iui01p0 wrote

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12060312 t1_iui19i8 wrote

Nervously looks at my Aarakocra ranger when that implication had not actually occurred to me bfore just this second


gaodaochu t1_iui1xo9 wrote

Some are Lovecraftian monstrs that just wanna become a master chef


LuridWichita t1_iui2lzr wrote

Can we get a shut-out to us non sex addict bards too?


HotpieTargaryen t1_iui6plj wrote

Once again, HBO has explained this. Succession is Game of Thrones without dragons. House of the Dragon is Succession, but they added the dragons back in.


Wilvinc t1_iuiq551 wrote

Yes, they are padding the episodes ... ALOT, but they messed up the original GoT so bad by rushing I am kind of glad they are going slower. The first season was just warm up ... the dance of the dragons has not really gotten started.

If HBO brings out even 50% of the book's energy and tone the 2nd season (with the actual dance of the dragons) will be the most brutal and bloody series ever.