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steevshow t1_iue5omu wrote

Glad he got out when he did tbh. They were going off the rails and Cavill was upset they weren’t following source/books.

Also for a show called the Witcher I’m pretty sure he only had like 5 minutes of screen time every episode


Vegetable-Apricot-40 t1_iue6hxk wrote

Damn. At first I thought Liam would be a good enough fit after Henry for the role. Didnt know they were disrespecting the lore BTS... Doesnt surprise me though, just look at RoP


BoelSardin t1_iuejp64 wrote

I mean season 2 alone is making up alot of thing that's not from the source materials. I still thought it was decent but the more adaptations differ from materials the closer ee get to GoT S8


thor_odinmakan t1_iuexn3y wrote

Love how GoT S8 is now a standard of reference. D&D can be proud.


BoelSardin t1_iuexsxh wrote

I mean Got S8 is great. Great references to what can happen when you don't have/use your source materials


Successful_Ad_5427 t1_iugwwhh wrote

Not when you don't have source material but what happens if you're an incompetent writer much like Dumb and Dumber aka the assholes who ruined GoT.


Larry_J_602 t1_iuf2f0r wrote

Cavill playing The Witcher, in a show called The Witcher and not being the main character is literally one of the worst decisions in the history of decisions.


Vinlandien t1_iufj5xe wrote

Doesn't Ciri become a witcher? She's pretty important too.


Glitch759 t1_iufzxrg wrote

Not in the books. She goes through some of the training, but then kinda goes off on her own adventure for the rest of the series


Confused-Engineer18 t1_iuglkq4 wrote

She goes through the training but not the surgery


Vinlandien t1_iuhlj1x wrote

Still a Witcher. She dedicates her life to doing what Witcher’s do


Confused-Engineer18 t1_iuhw638 wrote

No, a Witcher is someone who has gone under magical surgery to turn them into a Witcher. She has just been trained in the ways of the witchers


lncogniito t1_iuegose wrote

My condolonces for Liam for taking on the role, he's got an uphill battle not because he replaced Henry Cavill but because of the writer's lack of respect for the lore, and the direction of the series.

Liam isn't the problem here.


CharlieWalden t1_iuf2rs5 wrote

Came to voice this sentiment too. I feel really bad for the guy because people seem to be misplacing their feelings.


Confused-Engineer18 t1_iugljbx wrote

Agreed, he is an amazing actor and I'm sure he understands he has a lot of research to do for the role if he want to be able to take over for Henry.

However I just struggle to see him truly replacing Henry as Henry was a true fan of the series and acted as an advisor at times.


iBasedComedy t1_iuguj7v wrote

Henry Cavill just can't catch a break. It seems like he keeps getting roles with shitty studios, acting his goddamn heart out, endearing himself to millions of fans the world over, and then getting pushed out/replaced before his time.

You can tell just how passionate he is about the series, it's a shame to see him go. I wish Liam the best, but, at this point, it's like forcing Ryan Reynolds out of Deadpool and replacing him with Ryan Gosling.


Kizuite_Kawaru t1_iue4exu wrote

Not an upgrade. And cavill didnt seem to want to be in the show much anymore. Accoring to directors he was "annoying" because he got annoyed at the massive dissregard for the source material. He mentioned this in a generic manner duning interviews. And he once said about the show: if you dont stay loyal to a massive fanbase that praised the original content for decades, they will crucify you.


dispensable4444 t1_iue534v wrote

I think that's the point. I think the "new" can was an infamous failed launch by Coke in the 80's.


CaptFling OP t1_iue55l4 wrote

Read 🤦‍♂️


IseeReydar t1_iufabxr wrote

He made the right decision to leave. He's loyal to the work people put into a story. And he knows what makes the Witcher special in gaming. He doesn't have to be the one getting crucified. I'm sure he can find another series to star in.

Stargate perhaps? Calling u/josephmallozzi


Itunepianos t1_iufw2yq wrote

Stargate ia getting new series?


IseeReydar t1_iugikpl wrote

Eh, I think they're still kinda pitching and don't yet have a network or streaming service settled yet. But they're pretty far in on the scripts and concepts.


[deleted] t1_iuefdlp wrote



Zaurka14 t1_iueo1xm wrote

Was it really successful? I'm not from USA and indeed young, but i heard it was a fail so ghats why they brought back the old one


Slugger_monkey t1_iuer9oy wrote

Exactly, this new coke never even came to my country(India) so it means it never got popular enough to start using in international markets


Jay-Phresh t1_iuf808b wrote

It was a fail. This guy seems like someone who both doesn’t get the joke and is too old to remember how bad new coke was


Longjumping-Jello459 t1_iug3tj6 wrote

He isn't saying it was successful all he is saying is that a good portion of the population doesn't know about it flopping terribly.


_DirtyDog t1_iuf30ms wrote

I don't think that makes much sense. The joke is that, just like 'new coke', Hemsworth is supposed to raise the bar but is in fact not as good as the original.

If new coke was so successful, why did they go back to the original?


Longjumping-Jello459 t1_iug3yp0 wrote

He isn't saying it was successful all he is saying is that a good portion of the population doesn't know about it flopping terribly.


InterestingNight1220 t1_iug3o39 wrote

The funny thing is that, when compared in blind taste tests, people mostly preferred the new flavor. People just reacted negatively to changing a long standing formula.


billyisanun t1_iugo7n3 wrote

The main base of coke was in the south and people from the south hated it.

Fun fact : Coke is so popular in the south that Coke is used as a synonym for soda.


Shot_Protection4945 t1_iugc3r8 wrote

That happened because it was perfectly sweet for just sipping, but when people had to drink an entire can, that’s when it became problematic.


Xc4lib3r t1_iuekh8f wrote

And then Netflix wonder why their revenue keep reducing.


Successful_Ad_5427 t1_iugx8z7 wrote

Right? They fucking increase the monthly subscription cost while making shittier and shittier shows and then they're like: wHy aRe wE lOoSiNg sUbScRiBeRs?


aaron_adams t1_iuexbit wrote

They should have just delayed season 4. Once Cavill leaves the show, the show is gonna die. I'll give it a chance, but I don't think I'll be able to stomach watching the Witcher if Cavill isn't Geralt. At this point he was what was holding the show together.


Everlast17 t1_iuf71bo wrote

I hate when shows change the cast part way through. It breaks the illusion for me. I can’t reconcile two different faces with the same person.


Larry_J_602 t1_iuf1vuc wrote

Henry Cavill replaced with the brother of the guy who plays Thor.

That's basically how every article about this explained it.


fkasumim t1_iufu69t wrote

Nobody really knows who the fuck Liam Hemsworth is. That dude is living in the shadow of Thor. Even Loki / Tom Hiddleston is a more famous brother of Chris H.


anarion321 t1_iufdcz4 wrote

I dropped out of Netflix a while ago and they make it very difficult to consider coming back.

The last good thing I remember from netflix was the show about the Lincoln lawyer, and probably just because I'm nuts about lawyers shows.


Your_in_Trouble t1_iufnt12 wrote

Compared to the books and games, it's always been crap. Read the books


Blovar t1_iug3dg0 wrote

Too bad reading is most boring form of entertainment


Your_in_Trouble t1_iuhg6jf wrote

I, and others it seems, disagree, BUT! I do understand where you're coming from, I felt that way for a long time. What it takes is finding a story that you can't put down. I recommend this series!


D3stroyerof3vil t1_iufw4mv wrote

Sucks he's gone but I completely trust and agree with his decision to leave.


Humblerequest_21 t1_iue6p31 wrote

Will the fan base accept Liam?


steevshow t1_iuetx8q wrote

Liam is definitely not the issue. I can actually see him being an amazing Geralt. It’s the writers deviation from the lore, the show is too far gone now and Cavill saw that and dipped


Mataskarts t1_iufdc4a wrote

Not many people dislike Liam directly- people hate the writers of the show that hate the show they're making. Henry was the only person who at least attempted to make it somewhat lore accurate on the entire team.


Motherfkar t1_iug0ehf wrote

Shoes these days just suck in general.

What happens when the alphabet gang gets into creative decision making positions.


thebigbaka t1_iuf4a13 wrote

I think this is all rather silly cuz I remember how much bitching people did when they heard Cavel was getting the part


Wiseguy909 t1_iufzwlp wrote

I'm gen Z and even I get the joke. How do people not know what new coke is?


AcceptableObject3 t1_iueuzcv wrote

Is he leaving because he is at odds with the show writers or is it because WB is giving him a more lucrative deal for starring in DC movies instead?


IndianaGeoff t1_iuf7677 wrote

Could be both. But the Witcher Production could easily work around a Superman shooting schedule, Hollywood does it all the time. It's not like Netflix has hard deadlines if the talent is important.


FlamingPrius t1_iuft3h9 wrote

The thing is… I bet new coke is cheaper. Yea they’ve both been in movies, but new coke isn’t exactly a leading man. With Netflix freaking out over their profit margins, if it’s even 10% cheaper they’d go for it. Plus new coke is kinda lanky and cute, more twunk than hunk but I’m sure it’ll be fine


Wiseguy909 t1_iufzrtv wrote

New coke came out in 1985, so not counting inflation it IS technically cheaper


Carnator369 t1_iufzvv4 wrote

I'm just going to finish watching Cavillet of Rivia and move on.


Fe4rMeMrWick t1_iug5hp2 wrote

Ngl i want to know what new coke tastes like


battleaxworier t1_iugjbhb wrote

My teacher told me about this in school so basically at a certain point Pepsi was more popular than Coke so Coca-Cola made a new Coke that tasted like Pepsi but the problem was the people who drank their product weren’t drinking it because they like Pepsi they were drinking it because they like Coca-Cola so they ended up just losing their customers so they had to make another new one calling it Coca-Cola classic


Binkal t1_iugk9a6 wrote

I still dont understand wtf is it, a game turned to a show? A book turned to a game? I have been way too confused for way too long lol


Sippy1sippy t1_iugteby wrote

They are both based on the books. With the series adapting the events of the books and the games taking place after the events of the books.


speed_wagon6_9 t1_iugmwc7 wrote

Guys humble request to not hate Liam, like everyone in life he took a challenge, it's alright if you don't want to see the show but don't hate the actor, though I fear that Henry stood up against some bullshit in the writers room but will he be able to do it...


Sveave69420 t1_iuh2wzu wrote

Henry's a big fan of the witcher series, the writers making the storyline bonkers along with him reprising his role as Superman again, it's probably good to say that The Witcher is going to have to be stopped because of the backlash.


amur_buno t1_iuh62s2 wrote

Never liked Liam much bit I can see why they picked him. They want someone cavill/Chris Hemsworth big, and his younger brother is actually an inch taller than him lol. I'm guessing they figured if he tried getting Chris big it would be a solid fit. But watch this guy turn around n say he refuses to work out like Robert Pattinson did for batman


YuKaLegend t1_iuh63vq wrote

Stop disrespecting Henry lol. First Superman, now this


ibruh143 t1_iuh9uro wrote

More like Coke Zero😂


LazerDogs t1_iuhhpie wrote

As much as my gut agrees

Liam might be ok? Maybe. I think it's gonna be unfair comparison as he's not going to get the same true to source writing Cavil had

I'm just disappointed that the writer's decisions have driven a fan away


purplich t1_iuhmxs7 wrote

It’s simple, if the directors are willing to be this disrespectful to the community and the fans, then fuck em. Make em hurt by not watching this shit. Boycott


themirrorliestoyou t1_iuhxh6h wrote

Switching actors gives them a good excuse to start over and use the lore though. Any idea if they will?


borgi27 t1_iui3fur wrote

But on the blind tests people actually preferes the new one


Dat-1-Dude t1_iuetad0 wrote

If were being honest geralt had the personality of a toaster throughout the show


KaraokeWallflower t1_iueffyt wrote

Y’all acting like Liam Hemsworh can’t get damn near anyone he wants. He’s fine as hell.


Slugger_monkey t1_iuermzk wrote

But you got to agree he is no Henry, he isnt even Chris level

Not to mention Witcher is meant to look manly while liam looks more suitable for romance movies


Both_Sheepherder5659 t1_iue2p7v wrote

Does everyone rly think this is a upgrade? I thought henry cavil worked rly well in the role


Frea_9 t1_iuexg7k wrote

It's less about who's playing Geralt but more about why Henry left in the first case. In case you didn't hear yet, he quit as Geralt because the writers were sticking less and less to the novels and directors called him "annoying to work with" because he wanted the writers to do so and openly voiced his opinion about it