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spikychick t1_iufru8c wrote

i mean, the game is obv nowhere close to as popular as before but 10.7k daily players (peak) for a game that was supposed to be cancelled is pretty alright.


R2GivehertheD2 t1_iugj0yz wrote

It will be back up as well when among us vr comes out so maybe people will draw back to it plus if they made a new map or new things a lot would come back who knows what the future holds tho 👍🏽


_Slur t1_iuh9ujn wrote

Why would a game like this be canceled?


spikychick t1_iuhf58o wrote

they said they were going to make among us 2 or something but then it got popular


PM-Me-Your-NudesPls t1_iuidyx6 wrote

yes i remember playing it on phone at some point in the menu it stated something among the lines of "among us 2 is in development"