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Horror-Chicken-6001 t1_iu9e48q wrote

Next you'll tell me that Napoleon wasn't that short (for the time period), oh wait


Mahou_Game t1_iu9eqjx wrote

Bri’ish propaganda worked


Salty-Camp2698 t1_iuaeyfa wrote





Da_Meme_Panda t1_iua1y8g wrote

They were a power house till they got nerfed after the napoleon wars


such-my_bababoy t1_iu9r8pv wrote

I sée americans Raging 🤭


Impressive-Morning76 t1_iua5yg9 wrote

Note the in history. We haven’t been around long enough. Rn we are stronger than France though, no doubt.


mister-wind t1_iuasmz2 wrote

I agree, we are to young to put under that kind of lens. Pretty bad historically for us as of right now. French no way. Roman Empire my opinion only.


PigeonFellow t1_iucfy2a wrote

France: is a major military power for years and conquers almost all of Europe in the early 19th century

r/memes: I sleep

France: surrenders in WW2

r/memes: real shit?


nutmegger_2004 t1_iueyobd wrote

Wellington has appeared in the chat


PigeonFellow t1_iuf2u8f wrote

Well… shush

We’re also not going to talk about 1871


nutmegger_2004 t1_iuf3hwl wrote

Do you mean about when Bismarck and some Prussian farmer boys wrecked France??


PigeonFellow t1_iuf3myi wrote


Talk too loud and the Kaiserboos will hear you


nutmegger_2004 t1_iuf5ymc wrote

Heil dir im Siegerkrantz, Herrscher des Vaterlands! Heil, Kaiser, dir!


AutumnAscending t1_iu9dqw0 wrote

France number one all other countries number none.


PsychoDog_Music t1_iuca738 wrote

Throwback to when they had an internal war and fought off a ton of other nations who didn’t like them very much.. that I can’t be fucked remembering the details of. You can tell how well I did in that class


The_Unclaimed_One t1_iucj4fv wrote

They only really started sucking post Napoleon. Napoleon and before they were constantly fighting, and winning a good bit, against Britain for control over Europe and whoever else wanted dominance after Rome fell and Holy Roman Empire became irrelevant. After Napoleon? They’ve pretty much been a joke. Heck, Prussia used Napoleon’s tactics against Napoleon III to secure dominance over Europe and created modern day Germany. Which is to say, they used a crapton of artillery. The most advanced artillery in the world at that. That and they used what was more or less Beta Blitzkrieg, which was evolved from Napoleon’s tactics, which evolved into Alpha Blitzkrieg used in WWI, then Blitzkrieg in WWII, and eventually it turned into American Shock And Awe.

Yes, I have thought about this extensively when bored at work. Lol


waltezer t1_iuauazb wrote

The french guy in the comments: me better


grailpogger t1_iucys2g wrote

Me country better than other..... But me way worst than ancestors


Pencil-lamp t1_iubhzo0 wrote

Pretty sure they’re just counting the number of victories. France is fucking old.


A_Random_Boi_Sittin t1_iuc7x6f wrote

Believe it or not it's only a 10 battles win difference from 1st: France to 2nd: UK


ZeninB t1_iubmfmm wrote

Wait, wouldn't the Roman empire have more? What about the British? They had a finger in the pie of more than half of every country on earth at one point or another


A_Random_Boi_Sittin t1_iuc8erv wrote

You are close as is the UK/England with 1105 battle wins but France beats them by a slim 10 battles with having 1115 batte wins. France has a slight lead so far. The Roman Empire would probably have a few hundred but thousand not at all.


A_Random_Boi_Sittin t1_iuc7p4k wrote

This post is no lie. France: 1,115 battles won. 2nd place: The United Kingdom/ England 1105 battles won. 3rd place: United States only 833 battles won (but still good for only 246 year of independence imo.)


The_Unclaimed_One t1_iucjb4c wrote

Don’t we only have like a year or two where we weren’t actively at war with someone? Lol. Gotta bump up those rookie numbers somehow right?


after_brillig t1_iuacsh2 wrote

Remember, Napoleon only lost one battle in the Waterloo Campaign. Winning battles doesn't mean anything if you lose the important one.


urmom23454321 t1_iubz6ji wrote

It's cause they are always on the winning team no matter what team they start on


MightyArd t1_iuc9rou wrote

France took a huge chunk of the Roman Empire. That's how far back it goes.


MeleeMan_ t1_iudipf6 wrote

Maybe civil wars count as victory


Chizik777 t1_iufefb0 wrote

France ending all the wars. Sure by giving up but they ended the most


HellDD6 t1_iuase0y wrote

Ah right so the British empire didn't conquer 25% of the world then eh?


Luk3495 t1_iuc4410 wrote

Mostly in America, Africa and Oceania I suppose(?


Zahard_Zj t1_iub8344 wrote

Its true. They repeatedly defeated their worst enemy: France


nutmegger_2004 t1_iuatfuv wrote

Everyone has forgotten Vichy France?


Gryffon_Atarangi t1_iub6gb2 wrote

It's not considered a loss of you surender!


Resident_Regret_9514 t1_iub9zsf wrote

proof that you cant trust google.


A_Random_Boi_Sittin t1_iuc81y5 wrote

Proof that you haven't looked it up. 1115 battles won by France which is 1st place and a 1105 battles won by the UK/England who's 2nd place.


kienonreddit t1_iua5mck wrote

Most sucessful not the strongest. Having more wins against yourself makes you have more won matches, but doesn’t make you stronger than others.


nutmegger_2004 t1_iuastjs wrote

Edit: Why do people ignore this truth about France?

France lost the 7 years war, Napoleon had to abdicate twice, they lost Alsace and Lorraine against some Prussian farmers in 1870, Prussians/Germans took Paris twice in less than 100 years, they had huge losses in WWI, they were fully invaded for 4 years in WWII, and they lost all their Colonies.


A_Random_Boi_Sittin t1_iuc877x wrote

Still doesn't change the fact they have the most military wins so far with 1,115 battles Won over the UK/England with 1105 battles won.


nutmegger_2004 t1_iucdwef wrote

If you want to ignore all the facts about French history it's your problem, go read a good book about history before defending the country which only knows to use the white flag🏳️ at every battle. The French military is a disaster.


The_Unclaimed_One t1_iucjv5r wrote

Actually, pretty sure they’re ironically the most powerful European country at the moment. Germany’s still scared of the ghost in the mirror, UK specializes in Navy, duh, and Spec Ops type stuff, and everyone else is everyone else. Lol

France is the only one that’s most prepared for nearby conflict, and honestly I find it hilarious and sad at the same time


nutmegger_2004 t1_iuekn8n wrote

If a country like China would nuke France, I'm sure they will surrender. The problem with France is that they ignore all the precepts of the Art of War by Sun Tzu, that's why they can't resist any major attack. They ignore the military strategy and history.


The_Unclaimed_One t1_iuemxen wrote

Was thinking more Russian than China. China’s our problem and I doubt much of Europe would get involved. Matter of fact, some may even side with China due to the economy tank that will happen during a war with China


nutmegger_2004 t1_iuenkyb wrote

Russia is one of the main allies of China. If China invades Taiwan, America will intervene, so it will be a war in the Southern Pacific and Eastern Europe. Russia has Nuclear Weapons and if Putin wants to, he can just nuke France, the UK, Germany, or any European country he wants.


grailpogger t1_iucza86 wrote

Like US propaganda after Irak conflict ?


nutmegger_2004 t1_iuekdke wrote

You can't compare a superpower like America with France, that's ridiculous.


3ArmsNoSouls t1_iub1dxs wrote

The us never lost a war :)


ken4lrt t1_iub6n8e wrote

bruh, what about vietnam, afghanistan, they even lost against nicaragua in 1933


House_of_Raven t1_iubnp50 wrote

Not to mention the war of 1812, and they would’ve also lost the revolutionary war if not for the French.


Grooces t1_iucqgba wrote

Have you ever heard of the vietnam war?


positive_charging t1_iu9f6jk wrote

They did so well in ww2


AssignmentNeat7949 t1_iu9mn0r wrote

Kinda ignoring the fact they fought hardest against the Germans a generation before that and without doubt sacrificed the most in the first world War to win

Not to mention 1500 years as a great European power and then the next greatest Colonial empire after Britain all the way up to world War 2

Not to mention they continued to fight and resist occupation and fought in north Africa as free France


positive_charging t1_iu9o9we wrote

But I said ww2 none of that other stuff. Shortage of white cloth in France between 1940 - 1945


Nemesis233 t1_iu9uush wrote

Sure hope you get sent back in time to fight bravely until you die to repell the Nazis.


Intelligent_Ad5638 t1_iu9j96t wrote

Xd france is the fking worst. They sucked a massive d in ww2


Impressive-Morning76 t1_iua64eh wrote

Yeah they lasted a good bit longer than plenty of countries and they kept fighting and they partially liberated themselves so no. Also they practically carried all of the western front in WW1


miss_chauffarde t1_iuak90m wrote

Nazy in 6 of june 1944: how are those American so precice in where to drop to close our supply chain ?

French résistant loading MaS 38: chucle

Fun fact french resistance actualy hold themself back to avoid killing nazy because they Saw what happend to the population if they did but complitly whent nut's on sabotage and spying and when the Ally started opération overlord they started killing and taking prisoner every german they could find


The_Unclaimed_One t1_iucjmqw wrote

I’m gonna question you on the practically liberated themselves

Yes, they kept fighting valiantly against the Nazis after France fell, and yes they did do a good job far as I’m aware, but I doubt that without the meatgrinder of the Eastern Front and Operation Overlord that they’d liberate themselves.

And, just for kicks and giggles, “Retreat? Hell, we just got here!”

-Marine Lore from WWI, said towards a French leader (can’t remember rank) after being told to retreat