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Shrek_Worshiper6 t1_iugjayg wrote

"you eat babies!"

- John Marston


Gunner1Cav t1_iufs16m wrote



knitbitch007 t1_iugck9k wrote

Ya…..ears down, big “smile” that dog is stressed.


17samp t1_iui0ltx wrote

Aww maybe some 5 year old girl could cheer him up


saqwernuk t1_iujm7hs wrote

I agree... I mean, what would happen, right?


FictionalFail t1_iug6ygs wrote




Maxwell_The__Spy t1_iugpa56 wrote

one is a killing machine that was made for hunting

the other one is....a living meme


Cangar t1_iuh0nox wrote

Shiba Inus are actually also hunting dogs


PPP1737 t1_iuh4yh7 wrote

Pitts we’re not breed for hunting. They were selectively breed for fighting. Hence all the “mauling instinct “ that everyone is in a tizzy about.


Maxwell_The__Spy t1_iuh13qa wrote

wait what

edit: huh, after a quick google search looks like they are

i haven't heard news of people being mauled by shiba inus though


PPP1737 t1_iuh53j5 wrote

Being breed for hunting instinct is different than being selectively breed for aggressive fighting. You don’t want a hunting dog that mauls and rips your game before you get to take it home.

Fighting dogs are actually meant to do mauling damage and kill.


[deleted] t1_iuh5b71 wrote



PPP1737 t1_iuh5fpc wrote

Really? I haven’t seen any reports of a shib ripping anyones face off or mauling children to death… weird.


DuhItzSquiffer t1_iugiam6 wrote

Right below this post for me, is another post of a woman being attacked by a pitbull lol


Badass-19 t1_iugmkdt wrote

Can you just check the pet tag of pitbull? Something is fishy here


YuB-Notice-Me t1_iuggn8l wrote

i just visited the sub, that actually irks me so fuckin much. they post a picture of a pitbull, the comments go “aww cute doggo!” and everyone gets downvoted to high hell. what the actual fuck.


Donttouch_mypepeoni t1_iugrxgs wrote

posts statistics say goodbye to your karma.


lordchaidoftea t1_iugugin wrote

Redditers when someone has a source to back their arguments.


KeterYeeterXK t1_iugxqq6 wrote

Redditors when they decide to protect a dog so much they compare breed statistics to black people specifically (and no other race) and still main tain they aren't racist


Living-Stranger t1_iuid1m3 wrote

Their stats are wrong and pushed by someone who just dislikes the breed


sandalwoodjenkins t1_iujm0nn wrote

I mean part of it is a lot of the pit pictures are posted whenever there is a big news story about a pit killing/maiming/attacking someone.

It's there way of fighting that narrative but they should read the room. They are acting like they are the true victims because their little nanny dog is perfect when in reality the true victims are the dead people killed by the nanny dog.

It's pretty gross behavior imo.


kenjose t1_iuhhh43 wrote

Majority of them are cuteness addicts. They upvote anything cute even if its a puppy/kitten mill


Carnator369 t1_iugjsy8 wrote

Hopefully the cute Pit pics will "remove" the ugly partially formed human pics from that sub.


paytondstalker t1_iugoyzf wrote

I’ve never heard someone be so against babies, and honestly? I don’t blame you.


doodle_doofus t1_iuglqsa wrote

Post a pug to see fires really start


Pobo13 t1_iuibzbg wrote

How many people want to see something with a smashed face struggle to breathe for its entire existence? Pugs are pitiful and should not be a designer dog. They need to go back to how they actually look.


ChaoticGiratina t1_iuiroow wrote

I believe in mutt supremacy. Loved my little puggle mix.


Pobo13 t1_iuirxqa wrote

Im all for mixes and giving dogs the best life they deserve. But a purebred pug is a dog with a smashed respiratory system, I don't care what anyone's opinion is on it. That shit is inhumane..


ChaoticGiratina t1_iuisj59 wrote

I agree. That's why I loved my puggle mix. He was part shih-tzu, pug, and beagle, leading to him having a longer snout, a bark that belonged to a much larger dog than he was, and a *glorious* beard in his old age. And he lived longer than most purebreds.


Breakfeast-Bo_23 t1_iujnhig wrote

Purebreds tend to have weak immunity systems due to inbreeding, so mutts tend to live longer because of their more diverse genes.


im_wildcard_bitches t1_iujhikq wrote

Same with french bulldogs. Had to stay with one and swear little dude needed one of those sleep apnea machines. Thought he was going to die in his sleep. His hips were all sorts of fucked up too, had to have surgery to fix them and he sort of just drags his feet now.


Pobo13 t1_iuji8o9 wrote

Its fucked that people think thats cute and quirky. People genetically fucked up those dogs. Its so sad. Little homies just wanna live. But we gave them fucked hips and respiratory systems and called it cute. Humans are the natural disaster to all other organisms.


im_wildcard_bitches t1_iujjkpd wrote

Yeah I told the gal I had been dating about how fucked up we are as humans keeping pitiful creatures like that around. We are weird af for real. I felt bad for the little guy as he just was like some alien looking pet only existing for this rich woman to keep around. He has crazy skin issues too on top of everything so he was constantly licking himself at all hours of the night.


Pobo13 t1_iujjypt wrote

Yesh frenchies are normally in horrible shape. They deserve to be bred back to how they should look. We 100%. need more laws on fucking up genetics.


NoobWANT3D t1_iufrgu9 wrote

Pitbulls are cute.


TriangleMan42 t1_iufrqwm wrote

Idk about cute, those mfs look like they've been lifting weights for 10 years, damn things have so much muscle they could probably beat most guys in an arm wrestle.


Hollowgradient t1_iuhhcer wrote

Pitbulls are ugly. Almost as ugly as those roadkill looking ass pugs


shadowdash66 t1_iuhmi0j wrote

you've been looking at very badly bred dogs. Those are extremely ugly and deformed with traits like bigger heads, shorter legs where they almost touch the floor, docked tails and ears, broader shoulders etc.. Actual pitbulls of any kind are very beautiful.


BusinessPersonThe1st t1_iuh0z0d wrote

I just posted a photo of a muscular hairless monkey there just now


Rexinaka t1_iugtzo6 wrote

The most ironic thing about my childhood is of how the only two dogs who didn't attack me on first sight were both pit bulls, they were both really sweet dogs


Zaurka14 t1_iuh9qzh wrote

Did you wear meat instead of clothes?


NotA_DerpyHenchmen t1_iuglvsu wrote

me leaving the gas station after doing a chemical reaction to blow up someone’s expensive car because they trash talked the employees:


shadowdash66 t1_iuhlds6 wrote

putting a wet squeegee on Ken's sports car's battery (he's loud and obnoxious)


[deleted] t1_iugvrg6 wrote



L3AFYB0I t1_iuh4ayt wrote

tell them that over 60% of dog related injuries and deaths are from pitbulls


Professional_Bad2168 t1_iuhtds6 wrote

Why do redditors even care it is not like they go outside so how would they get hurt by one


fukingtrsh t1_iuiwb6g wrote

Redditors hate anything that has a modicum of a chance of inconveniencing them


SoupViruses t1_iugzavt wrote

Got a pit bull pic from r/aww right after this. Amazing


Epic-Dude000 t1_iuigk2l wrote


He read the comments of his selfie he posted


Sirenenblut t1_iuh75sd wrote

I will never read that subredit as "raw". Lost oppotunity


JMGExclusive t1_iuhcsj1 wrote

Two posts down is a halloween pit bull in r/aww


DandDnerd12 t1_iuhxu3g wrote

What the fuck. I visited r/aww and there was a picture of a baby hippopotamus biting someone’s leg


TankProImporum t1_iuhy0qw wrote

We gotta be asking ourselves the bigger question. 5 year old spotted


Rstrofdth t1_iuj0zr6 wrote

r/awww has devolved into pitnutter central. You get banned for even thinking of telling them that those beasts are deadly.


FardEater t1_iuk6a0t wrote

God damn bro LMAO


GrimReefer2007 t1_iugruex wrote

American bullies are the cutest “pit bull” type Not even comparable in temperament but classified the same true purebred APBT are few and far between


Moppy_the_mop t1_iui3k3q wrote

Yeah, I own an american bully, he's cute but sometimes scratches at my blanket and nothing more.


InquisitorialTribble t1_iuhm8ia wrote

I feel betrayed by the lack of dog pictures in this guy's post history.


Kindly-Car-2658 t1_iuho5gu wrote

this is a


AizawaSimp69 t1_iuhtyr2 wrote

Basically people in r/Awww hate pitbulls with a burning passion


Rstrofdth t1_iuj18d6 wrote

Are you serious or trolling? They are the biggest pit advocates on this plant form besides those dipshts in velvet hippos sub.


AizawaSimp69 t1_iuj1l02 wrote

Oh. Well maybe we have different experiences but every pitbull post ive seen, everyones insulting the dog and anything complimenting the dog is downvoted to hell


Stunning_Patience_78 t1_iuhvfmk wrote

There is no such thing as ugly-cute. There is only ugly or cute.


somtyng t1_iuj84dn wrote

Pitbulls if not to jacked are cute


Modder404 t1_iuhm1a5 wrote

Wait how is this made with meme attic and it’s a video/GIF anyone? Usually only pictures come?


shadowdash66 t1_iuhl7q7 wrote

It's really sad but facts are facts. I've never ever had an issue with a pitbull. Golden retreivers and chihuahas on the other hand are much more prone to biting but they don't have the strength or bite force of a pitbull. I'm not sure their breed should be stopped (given the abominations we have like pugs) but way too many people are bitten by them.


YaDadFucksBoys t1_iuhpx2p wrote

based and dangerous-dogs-act-pilled


L1K34PR0 t1_iugyofi wrote

Me leaving r/aww after leaving a picture of pitbull


fapgod69420 t1_iuh6jk4 wrote

Pitbulls are good boys and you can't change my mind. I'm ready for the hivemind to downvote me.


Aeroponce t1_iuheagt wrote

Good, now post this comment in r/aww


fapgod69420 t1_iuhgtf6 wrote

I accept your challenge. Now to find a post featuring a pitbull.


finalbeginning96 t1_iugccm5 wrote

Pitts are the cutest dogs.


Ryimax t1_iughb9d wrote

Ever seen a golden doodle?


hydreev t1_iugi4gz wrote

They have the curtly poodle hair which imo is less cute than the smooth coat on a pibble


Ryimax t1_iugi8e8 wrote

Actually the fur type varies between litters

Edit: for doodle cross breeds


shadowdash66 t1_iuhmpd0 wrote

They're extremely good with children too. We have a few support dogs at my job for therapy and pediatric patients.


Ryimax t1_iuho8ej wrote

My mini hates our 9 year old.


Bella_TheAlphaWolf t1_iugly2e wrote

Nothing that is the product of abuse and over-breeding is truly cute

Well-bred, properly taken care of poodle puppies are cuter


VingtorOdinson t1_iuglisp wrote

Yeah, that sub is brimming with anti-pitbull nazis


Donttouch_mypepeoni t1_iugs27y wrote

never seen a news headline that said 2 beagles mauled their owners while out on a jog.


CreatureWarrior t1_iuio95j wrote

Might as well compare a chihuahua to a pitt. Maybe compare them to dogs of similar sizes and boom, the news articles start popping up.


Maxwell_The__Spy t1_iugpjas wrote

really? nazis? is that what you're gonna call people who fear a breed that was made specifically to hunt and kill without any kind of mercy?

People are calling whoever they want a nazi nowadays, goddamn


B0bertt t1_iugq04e wrote

You right, I prefer to call them pussies


Maxwell_The__Spy t1_iugq9i6 wrote

ah yes, much better

just keep your slaughter house on legs on a leash please, no one wants to get their dog or child killed by a dog that looks like it has more muscle than fucking gigachad called "Daisy"


Tinywolf21 t1_iui1950 wrote

pit bulls are why I carry a pocket knife when I walk my tiny french bulldog, cuz if it mauls her I wanna diffuse the situation as fast as I can


ZeninB t1_iugvn2l wrote

They were bred to herd bulls. They weren't made to kill fucktard


GOLDEN_GRODD t1_iugyxif wrote

When is the last time you saw them heading bulls? Could you show me a modern farm where they herd bulls? When Pitbulls are bred illegally in cities what do you think it is for? Fighting or for herding bulls?

Ridiculous. They're bred to fight and kill. Don't blame other people because you don't want a smarter dog that does everything a pitbull does.

They're not all evil but they also don't need to be bred anymore. They're violent because they're anxious, and humans did that to them.


Maxwell_The__Spy t1_iugvw18 wrote

by biting and holding them, they did the same with bears and other large animals

maybe that wouldn't kill those beasts but i think it would pretty much annihilate a human or a small dog

so yes, maybe they weren't originally made for slaughter, but i don't think that a muscular beast like that could "gently" grab a child......or anything at all



Rstrofdth t1_iuj1x8p wrote

Yeah that's why I got a ban for telling a pit nutter that stats don't back his "nanny dog" BS and that the flower crown didn't make it any better either.