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LegenDaryDraak t1_iud8abf wrote

Then it’s obvious that you need to say fuck instead


Lord_Derpenheim t1_iuddp4p wrote

Crap comes from crapper which was the name brand of a toilet that shared its name with its creator


No_Firefighter1201 t1_iudbwth wrote

Why tf are kids not allowed to say adult words....even though they will eventually?


No_Firefighter1201 t1_iudc1ts wrote

For reference, imagine shooting someone in the head, but the person not dying because they aren't old enough. Mfs got level protection


Southern_Bandicoot74 t1_iud7ykx wrote

Probably because crap never actually refers to the real poop and shit often does. But I don’t know, I learned english from movies as an adult.


where_didIcome_from t1_iudz3id wrote

I have no idea what you people are talking about. I simply don't swear (unless it gets to the point where it's truly warranted.) Makes it far more effective too lol


veedubfreek t1_iue3vlp wrote

Kinda like how saying boobs is fine, but don't dare say tits.


organicogrr t1_iue6mz4 wrote

This meme is a bit country specific. Many cultures don't care whether you say crap or shit.


xxTHEBiggestYEExx t1_iug4i7w wrote

Let's start a petition to make crap socially unacceptable, and shit, socially acceptable.

Who's with me?