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Lucavious t1_iu6viql wrote

Of course not. Thereโ€™s just always animal porn on every site for furries. Just a big old coincidence.


nikitos1307 t1_iu6wml2 wrote

Because some zoophiles wanna hide between furrys so they aren't judged alot but even there there judged alot cause furrys are like only interested in other people in those fursuits,but I'm not denying that alot of furrys are fucking cringe


Visual_Tax473 t1_iu8qbrq wrote

I don't think it's so much that they're hiding among furries but more that they are just also furries.


Lucavious t1_iu6x6f2 wrote

They are openly embraced.


Michael_Swag t1_iu7jtyo wrote

No the hell they arenโ€™t. Look at any furry related subreddit and you will find zoophile hate posts. They do not like to be associated with zoophiles. Iโ€™ve seen it time and time again, they are very openly not embraced, they are openly scorned.


pr3ttyfly4awif1 t1_iu6u7tp wrote

UwU X3 notices your cringe


-Hatake_Kakashi t1_iua27hw wrote

Gets Double Barrel Shotgun "Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce, we will send unto them... only you. Rip and tear, until it is done."


slayerpown96 t1_iu6wful wrote

He need 10 ccs of copium stat


WillardFasto t1_iu6uyu2 wrote

No thanks they are all the same...


SiggeTheDog t1_iu6vy90 wrote

Sometimes itโ€™s just funny to say it. I donโ€™t think most people are serious.


PuertoricanDude88 t1_iu70oa5 wrote

Itโ€™s Reddit, most of them are serious. At least thatโ€™s what I think since almost all the jokes are โ€œand then we kill them!โ€.


boobopandawoodop t1_iu71q4n wrote

Idk, for me when I talk about furries itโ€™s usually a joke but I do think a lot of them are kinda cringe


SiggeTheDog t1_iu74dwv wrote

A lot of them are. I watched a few of Turkey Tom videos, especially of a few furries and they all seem a bit of outcasts. Some at least. I canโ€™t generalize too much. Some are cool, but some arenโ€™t.


JSVstory3_141 t1_iu6xngg wrote

The community from what I've heard is actually quite nice, but the whole concept is weird, but do what you want to as long as it's not hurting anyone


strb-1984edition t1_iu7l3hy wrote

Nah, there a bunch of self involved dickheads, and there is a LOT of S.Os and neo nazis in their ranks


lllDUNN t1_iu6t7y4 wrote

I don't get it


Lucavious t1_iu6vm02 wrote

Furries making their routine attempt to shed the shame of their fetish without actually changing anything about their subjecting other people to it without their consent.


IdiotRedditAddict t1_iu6w4aq wrote

I'm confused, who is being subjected to a fetish without consent?


Lucavious t1_iu6wayt wrote

Everyone who isnโ€™t wearing the fur suit.


IdiotRedditAddict t1_iu6wtdi wrote

When? Where? How? At furry conventions for other furries that are by definition not doing that? Furry internet spaces that are by definition not doing that?

Are you under the completely false impression that furries usually just wear their fursuits/fursonas in their every day life? To school and work and the bank and such?

Also, I'm not a furry or in the furry community at all, but even I understand the basic fact that it isn't a sexual fetish for all of them, and that there's nothing inherently sexual about wearing a fursuit.


Lucavious t1_iu6xajl wrote

Do you think this works?

Just pretending everyoneโ€™s experience with furries in public is imaginary and hoping acceptance comes along?


IdiotRedditAddict t1_iu6xmay wrote

I'm honestly legitimately asking to what you are referring. As a non-furry who has literally never seen a furry in public, and certainly never seen a furry being overtly sexual in public, I don't know what the fuck you're taking about.

A single source or even just personal anecdote would be cool.


Lucavious t1_iu6xvoc wrote

Okay guy who isnโ€™t a furry but for some reason is weirdly obsessed with defending furries.


idunnohonestly- t1_iu6y5e8 wrote

Ok look, not to choose sides, but your argument kinda sucks. Youโ€™re making the claim here, you need to back it up.


IdiotRedditAddict t1_iu70gc7 wrote

You wanna know my perspective? My bias? I'm personally pretty vanilla with a light BDSM leaning, my older sister is a member of erotic fanfiction spaces, and so my general tilt towards 'fetishes' and 'fetish cultures' is not to judge.

Sex crimes against children or animals are terrible. They're rape.

But I also know that 'they are/shelter pedos' and 'they shelter are/zoophiles' is the oldest fucking false equivalence playbook used on every 'fetishist' and 'deviant' that puritanical religious 'moralists' have deemed 'impure'.

So, you want to tell furries they should be ashamed? Condemn them for subjecting others to their kink non-consensually? Give me a reason.

I think displaying your kink non-consensually is bad. But I need you to help me understand that the community as a whole is largely guilty of that? Because I've not heard that that is the case.


Lucavious t1_iu733di wrote



IdiotRedditAddict t1_iu75ob6 wrote

Cool, glad to know you had no point/argument an were just spreading hate for fun.


Lucavious t1_iu79eba wrote

Did you think this was an argument?

You need help. Thatโ€™s all.


IdiotRedditAddict t1_iu7cec8 wrote

"You think this is an argument?"

Yes, I think this is argumentative: "Furries making their routine attempt to shed the shame of their fetish without actually changing anything about their subjecting other people to it without their consent."

You made an argumentative claim, and I simply, politely, asked you support that claim in literally any way, which you didn't.

You say I need help? Did I say something unhealthy? Unhinged? Please point out what I said that warrant 'help', and maybe also tell me about your psychiatric credentials to make that assessment while you're at it.


Korblox101 t1_iu6vkyy wrote

What are otherkin?


DontAsk_Y t1_iu6vqtp wrote

You do not want to know


Korblox101 t1_iu6vvju wrote

Give me a basic, SFW explanation.


DontAsk_Y t1_iu6w7xr wrote

Pretty much they think they aren't human and their past soul was something else besides human. Rather vague about it all since its like a 1990 + thing


hellishbastard t1_iu6wzss wrote

Zoophile or not I still don't like furries


Few-Ticket8354 t1_iu6xrd3 wrote

nah fuck you. Furries won't ever get respect regardless of your "logical moral excuses"


3nder-Blade t1_iu6ypwp wrote

Furries: Weird, but okay.
Otherkin: Wut?

Zoophiles: Okay, that's too far.


john_modded t1_iu7b4i4 wrote

A lot of pre-zoophile apologist 'round here


Awkward_Canary4597 t1_iu7ioxr wrote

When did furries start bothering people? Like Iโ€™ve lived my whole life and never encountered one in the wild. I donโ€™t get their fetish but I donโ€™t see how them dressing up in a fur costume impacts me. All kinds of people dress up in sexualized costumes - french maids, super heroes, naughty librarians- and that doesnโ€™t effect me either. Why pick on the fur people?


That-Leek5242 t1_iu6ze2l wrote

What's a furry??


VastoLord_A t1_iu7e9lb wrote

Furries are the group of people who have an affinity for anthropomorphic animals. You know the people with fursuits. That's it, doesn't mean they fuck animals just cause they're furries. However a lot of furries are zoophiles and other terrible things so they get generalized and get a bad rap and what not.


That-Leek5242 t1_iu7wq55 wrote

Doesn't explain shit


VastoLord_A t1_iu7wulg wrote

There is literally no simpler way to tell you what a furry is. People who like animals that are made to look like humans, which is called anthropomorphism. The people who wear the fursuits.


That-Leek5242 t1_iu7wx3y wrote

Oh you mean the people who make animal porn-


VastoLord_A t1_iu7wzdi wrote

No, that's zoophiles. Different thing. Being a furry doesn't mean you fuck animals.


That-Leek5242 t1_iu7x15k wrote

Not that I mean like the porn not of animals but animals with human characteristics


VastoLord_A t1_iu7x4cs wrote

That, yes. It's weird, no doubt about it, but it's still like, an animal person.


SecretAccountSayWhat t1_iu7bwuc wrote

Furry bad



VastoLord_A t1_iu7eiel wrote

Furries like, "normal" furries, I'm ok with. It's fucking weird you know, you being dressed as some animal person but you not really hurting nothing so. Plus it's still like, an animal person .


RedPanda_2882 OP t1_iu7lyu5 wrote

Its ok if you dont respect furries. I understand people dont like people other and different people. But for gods sake, understand basic furry facts:

>They do not suit 24/7, only at cons or events. The ones that go in public are brave souls.

>They dont believe they are animals, thats what otherkin are.

>They are not fatherless

>They are not zoophiles or have a animal fetish.

>A furry isnt hurting anyone by existing, youre just a snowflake

>Judging person based on a few people in a similar group is called sterotyping