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n4jm4 t1_iudydiu wrote



veedubfreek t1_iue2fr5 wrote

I was going to post "people that can't spell lose" for the fifth panel


StoneRule t1_iue2ews wrote

I have a note with « Ez like your mom was » written in it on my second screen in case someone says ez on my or enemy team, so i can copy and paste it before we’re sent back to lobby.


garbage-at-life t1_iudzq1u wrote

I say get better noob if there has already been a lot of trash talk and we are both having fun with it


PokieBoi OP t1_iudzw8m wrote

Will people downvote you for being 4th in comments?


garbage-at-life t1_iue00wm wrote

what no it's fourth comment in a thread not fourth comment on a post

Edit: it would be the one replying to this one


Asher_Reaver t1_iueli6d wrote

People who say EZ when they die


AetherialWomble t1_iuemj31 wrote

When they lose in competitive and tell you to "go touch some grass"


SuperKillerKitty t1_iueulgw wrote

The amount of people who say you’re a hacker after games is ridiculous I may be but there’s no need to point it out I already know /j


ABeneficialUser t1_iufz9qt wrote

people leaving the server just before you shoot is funny, like you literally made them disappear


SomeLikeItDusty t1_iuhdbs3 wrote

Had a match where it was me and another guy left, warthunder RB air. Work call came in, so I J out, last thing I see is the last remaining guy (who was about 4km below me in a crate, just waiting to get shot to shit) comment “2 ez”.

Like, it was a match had been going for the better part of 20 minutes, we had more tickets and the last guy was 99.99% gonna die under a hail of lead in 2 min, they won purely because I J’d out. What part of that person’s brain went “oh yeah, time to throw some shade at how easy they were to defeat”? How do they not die in their sleep by forgetting to breathe? I guess these are the same people who miss-post memes…


AlmostAnchovy t1_iuep3hv wrote

When enemy top laner draws perfect circles around Nami Qs and you still win ҉*( ‘ ω ’ )/*҉ (happened at my last league session)