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Vennris t1_iyd6nc8 wrote

Everything other than purple and grey: I'm a disgusting waste of skin and my death would make the world a better place.

There. Fixed it for you.


itsme_tejo t1_iydg8k8 wrote

Females be trippin tho looking at this


EQ2_Tay t1_iydso7z wrote

Don't forget the ceiling, "It's raining talent"


__-__---__-__ t1_iye4zox wrote

If you do anything other than purple you are a pos


Sakul_the_one t1_iye7l94 wrote

Mostly, stealth, because I donā€™t wanna to be heard if someone is in the nearā€¦


max_da_1 t1_iyecioh wrote

Only green if I forget to undo my belt and it pushes my pp up


oSanguine t1_iyemibz wrote

Dang, toddlers are way ahead of the game.


PikkuinenPikkis t1_iyeo3cl wrote

I have a classmate who specifically knows Iā€™m too shy to change clothes in front of others, so I do it in the bathroom. They piss, ALL OVER the fucking floor, toilet and sometimes even the walls and the sink.


Rodthehuman t1_iyet5nt wrote

Donā€™t forget ā€œthe cleanerā€ when there is a bit of sh*t in between the purple ones


hugthemachines t1_iyev8ti wrote

If you sit down to pee, you empty your bladder better. I was told emptying the bladder well is good for the prostate to reduce risk of prostate cancer. A nice side effect is that you rarely pee on the floor :-)


0w0dontknow t1_iyezy1p wrote

at 1AM, assert dominance and establish presence are the same thing


hidingfrom666 t1_iyf15ix wrote

You forgot about the peeing on the flusher handle, and in the reservoir tank!