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lukhomdingi t1_iycdadt wrote

For how long do you shower that you need some entertainment?


HolyFuggISawAPenis t1_iycqin5 wrote

On god I do 10-15 minutes and leave my phone to charge. I've never used my phone for music. Is this something people do regularly


ma055 t1_iye1150 wrote

I shower 30 min and only entertainmemt is my deep thoughts


BelgischeAardappel t1_iydgun3 wrote

I sometimes use it to get an idea of how much time I've spent in there, generally 1 song is enough, and it's the same one every time


ninjachishimba t1_iydhk6y wrote

I’m with you there!! Standard would usually be 2-3 songs, if I’m washing my hair like 5. It really is a great way to measure time spent in there