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Deep-Conflict2223 t1_iycxdy0 wrote

He has the wealth of a nation, the humor of a middle school boy, and the temperament of a toddler. Why wouldn’t we be afraid?


LividLager t1_iycu2kl wrote

He owns one of, if not the biggest/important social media platforms, and he's driving it into the ground. The only way to do what you suggest is to buy a cabin off the grid, and work on our manifestos.


Squeeblz88 t1_iyd3tn6 wrote

Jesus. Get out of the fucking basement and touch grass. "Terminally online" is NOT a compliment.


serpenthanded t1_iycz3nr wrote

who is the actor though?


Squeeblz88 t1_iyd3kle wrote

Neil Poon Handler


serpenthanded t1_iyd3sp6 wrote

bruh you actually said a vaild reddit username.

If its N Patrick Harris, any idea what film?


Squeeblz88 t1_iyd423w wrote

It's Starship Troopers. But have you never seen Harold & Kumar? NPH makes that very same joke about his name. That's the gag