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SameInternal4 t1_iy3foai wrote

is there a language with genders with penis word being a female gender? A word accidently slipped unnoticed and now a penis is "die penis"


ronin668 t1_iy3gmwn wrote

In Spanish, "la verga" (= the dick) is feminine, while in French "le vagin" (= the vagina) is masculine.


SameInternal4 t1_iy3h06i wrote

how unintuitive


heinebold t1_iy3j719 wrote

WHile these examples are extreme, grammatical gender is always unintuitive. For example, German needs all three grammatical genders to refer to cutlery: knife (it), fork (she), spoon (he). It makes absolutely no sense.


ronin668 t1_iy3gef7 wrote

For clarification: The commenter above isn't meaning to be misandrist, "die" is the feminine "the" in German.

(No one who speaks German could be an evil man!)