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blakNbold t1_iyb5ejl wrote

988?…What country you from?


ThatToastKid t1_iyb65tr wrote

988 is the new suidice prevention hotline for the US


angus_valo t1_iyb93su wrote

It has potential as a painkiller and can be an alternative to opioids. Eat some pufferfish sushi and see for yourself! /s


LegoLeonidas t1_iybakg0 wrote

As someone with a curious mind who reads a LOT, I assure you my search history is an absolute nightmare.


Boatwhistle OP t1_iybc1rm wrote

Yep, that’s the way to go. A lot of people go with helium but they forget that helium is a non renewable resource which makes their suicide unethical. Nitrogen can be produced via fractional distillation from in the air, meaning it is renewable, much better for the future of society. Always try to look ahead.


Superlite47 t1_iybmk1n wrote

Looks like you'll just have to squeeze a Blue Ringed Octopus and find out.


42069696969420 t1_iydea6j wrote

TTX blocks the sodiumchannels which makes it very hatd or impossible for nerves to activate. Therfore it slowly paralyzes you until you die from suffocation since your lings stop working. Since you are basicly numb everywhere the only pain you'll feel is the one you feel from your organs slowly stop working properbly. This is mostly pain based of shock and panic. Whatever you try to do with these informations, killing yourself with it is not a nice death and killing others takes some time. I'd recommend other toxins.


Boatwhistle OP t1_iydggq7 wrote

What commonly accessible toxin(s) would you recommend to mitigate suffering? Stipulation that acquisition is legal without a license. It can be producible aswell so long as the total process has a low minimum for cost and chemistry skill.