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Deadsoup77 t1_iydj9di wrote

Yo I didn’t know there was more than PEMDAS I feel sick


cuthulhu_will_rise t1_iyf4458 wrote

It's the same thing but with different names. Brackets/parentheses/groupings





SnooMacarons257 t1_iydpeeb wrote

-27 Yeah, I had argument with a guy over a question like this and I realized I was wasting my time, so I sent him a mathematician video of the correct answer. It finally made him shut up.


n4jm4 t1_iydp9yf wrote

some intel chips provide the wrong answer regardless

other chips provide the right answer but to hackers where speculative execution is enabled

some chips may overflow (or undeflow) ((or explode))


RandomHumanREAL t1_iye76tj wrote

the answer is -27 if I did this correctly.


hamsandwichandpork t1_iyejgis wrote

Just order of operations. Bemdas Bodmas my ass whatever


CursedMClol t1_iyf4ru3 wrote

5-4*8=5-32=-27 basic 6th grade order of operations ppl


cuthulhu_will_rise t1_iyf4wso wrote

It's () then √ and ² then ×÷ then +-

Now stop arguing about the English names for these symbols and whether you write ÷ or × first.


RustedRuss t1_iyf9hwd wrote

And the whole argument is pointless because order of operations only matters in theory. In practice the order is apparent.


HotpieTargaryen t1_iydm82p wrote

Why is everybody obsessed with elementary school math shorthand that has no real life applications? Order of operations is determined by function; you’re just showing off poorly written numbers and a fifth grade understanding of math. Enough order of operation memes.


K1NG_R0G t1_iye9crc wrote

Bro gettin mad over a math meme 💀


HotpieTargaryen t1_iye9w81 wrote

No, thousand of dumb order of operations memes. How many times do we need to see the same asinine meme?


dev14nt4rtdev t1_iyelh1b wrote

Can't wait to see you replying "Nice" to a "69" comment


HotpieTargaryen t1_iyelm8p wrote

That’s like the complete opposite of who I am sport. But keep making assumptions because we disagree.


dev14nt4rtdev t1_iyeluk3 wrote

Sorry, most of the people I've met who say a meme is overused are hypocrites

I guess you're part of a different breed


K1NG_R0G t1_iyea483 wrote

It’s just a meme man, you’re acting like these memes are offending you, like I get it “these memes are overused” ok and? It’s just a meme


cuthulhu_will_rise t1_iyf4f7y wrote

I am also offended by these memes because it hurts me that people are stupid. I'm fine with stupid people but after enough stupid people in the same environment I want to kill. I don't kill, but I want to. Killing is bad. Don't ban me reddit you fuck


K1NG_R0G t1_iyf4jdw wrote

I agree with this


cuthulhu_will_rise t1_iyf54es wrote

I had to add in some stuff at the end because I don't trust reddit to understand the difference between "want" and "do"