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HasanHukm t1_iy15qbz wrote

Don't ever buy no weed from the gas station.


Yung_Knave t1_iy0wox5 wrote

and then starts the cycle of addiction


minitaba t1_iy0xjmr wrote

Yeah thats how weed works lol


Thick-Apple3811 t1_iy1ibso wrote

Take it from a former pothead, psychological addiction to weed is real. Really doesn't help to constantly hear people play down its potential for abuse.


touch_me69420 t1_iy238rh wrote

I was psychologically addicted to weed for years then one day I woke up rolled up and thought nah haven't smoked since. People say that's weird because I couldn't go a few hrs without smoking before that day


InterestingShift3759 t1_iy2vuna wrote

Nope fuck right the hell of with that shit. Have you ever sucked dick for weed? Until weed makes you pawn all your shit and be homeless it is not the same. I hate when people try to make it seem like weed is as addicting as actual hard drugs. It's not. It's a you problem not a weed problem now go back to the bible belt with that stupid shit.


minitaba t1_iy2a636 wrote

I know tat its possible to happen, but its kind off rare and saying it will happen to everyone who smokes is just wrong and dumb


AdditionalCall5271 t1_iy16hte wrote

And then I explain my situation and all of a sudden I'm "just week"


KylieTMS t1_iy2xarq wrote

this man turned into a damn calendar


minitaba t1_iy2ac05 wrote

Thats not right as well. Maybe get some professional help? Hope you get away from it :)


Urodeprag1 t1_iy25nhc wrote

12 year olds on their way to say "just stop smoking weed then"


Ita_dude t1_iy5ar5y wrote

It's like the "don't KYS, that shit makes you die"


Kbusch88 t1_iy4cjf1 wrote

At least it’s just weed. There’s worse vices for sure. It can definitely be a bad habit that’s tough to quit though even though it’s “not addictive”. I’ve smoked on and off for about half of my life now. I don’t hate it, I like weed. Just when I start getting too high of a tolerance and it starts to really become too much of a habit, I will just quit and chill for a while. If you really let your tolerance go away it can actually be a little uncomfortable to start again. Go a few months with no weed and then smoke a fat joint. You’ll feel like a kid smoking for the first time again haha, trippin out feelin like your gonna pass out.


[deleted] t1_iy4o1jb wrote



Kbusch88 t1_iy4t7ln wrote

You got this. It’s definitely doable if you really want to get it under control. You’re most likely not going to have significant bad side effects from even cold turkey stopping so that’s good unlike some other drugs or alcohol. I’ve gotten to points a few times where I’m smoking almost constantly and it’s definitely just impulsive behavior. After a little while I kind of convince myself it’s just a waste of money and time and that it’s making me feel more bad than good and eventually I kinda talk myself out of wanting to do it for a while. Maybe that’s weird but it works for me. Idk lol.