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PyroMan1ac117 t1_iybxtkt wrote

As a South African. I can confirm that talking back to your dad has consequences. Severe consequences.


DownvoteDaemon t1_iyc0ifd wrote

Tf does this even mean? Getting beat? Lol..


DraydeUnder t1_iyc4d6n wrote


Getting beaten into coma to be specific


DownvoteDaemon t1_iyc4x9p wrote

Not just Africans then, it includes us African Americans. Lol


Deathcore17 t1_iycuddy wrote

It also includes me, your (under?)average European. All i had to do was not be quiet enough or do a literal singular step out of line to get a whoopin


Waidu4lyfu t1_iycpqk7 wrote

It's cuz they are monkeys right?...


toust_boi t1_iyd0jp5 wrote

Bruh talking back to parents regardless of race has consequences


rMemesMods t1_iydbrtb wrote

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