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Sterogon t1_iy7ujef wrote

Any thoughts why they think that adding this rivalry is a good thing to cultivate?


11hortong t1_iy801nx wrote

Rivalry is healthy provided it's a fair playing field. A system that rewards hard work and good behaviour is not a bad thing. But it fails when the points are just blatantly handed out


meme_planet_13 t1_iy86uaz wrote

We had a similar system at my school, but instead of getting points through discipline and such, we only got them through extra curricular activities.

Like whichever house came 1st in the quiz, spelling bee, recitation, etc. got more points than the others.

It was a real good system. Unfortunately, my house never won, but we couldn't be mad because we fucked up bad on multiple occasions


Longjumping_Bug_7611 t1_iy8hvqk wrote

At my bording school we bought weed from the lunch lady.

I liked our system.


Hibbity5 t1_iy8jqfk wrote

At mine, the freshmen bought heroin from a guy on our senior council. Somehow, he didn’t get expelled and arrested once caught; well, he was the son of a rich businessperson so that’s why.


fab1anz1mmer t1_iy7wqha wrote

I think the idea is to make the students behave honourly to gain points. But it kinda creates classism between the different houses


HaViNgT t1_iy82m98 wrote

Maybe it would work better if people were randomly assigned and if they reshuffled the houses every year.


JustYourBiBestie t1_iy8dqjd wrote

Nah, then you are splitting up friends which would cause an even worse scenario.


HaViNgT t1_iy8f2di wrote

The existing system also does that for interhouse friendships.


Force3vo t1_iy911fg wrote

But how would they know which house to just treat like criminals once something happens? Or which children can be bullied for possibly becoming evil later on for having a hat tell them to be in the "evil" house?


dedarou96 t1_iy89g8j wrote

I think it's a custom of the school at this point. It has probably been been there since the school was founded. I think it's fine it just needs rules that are explicit about the activities that will make you loose or win points instead of the biased judgment of teachers and events should be held to win a big number of points. Like if you get extra points for exposing certain subjects and replicating magic/potions in class we would have more Hermiones in the school


Helmet_Icicle t1_iy8jmd2 wrote

It facilities inter-group social bonding to substitute the absence of pastoral care students would otherwise miss without living at home. It also mitigates poor student:teacher ratios when older students look after younger students.

Scholastic rivalry promotes healthy competitive scenarios in a relatively safe atmosphere, which engenders growth and development.

Based on real academic structure:


Tyrayentali t1_iy7utki wrote

Because even Hogwarts couldn't escape capitalism.
