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cuntffucker_69 t1_iy7ulu2 wrote

Tbh the trio defeated Voldemort ffs plus, earlier 150 points were deducted from Gryffindor because of the same trio going out at night


Staggeringpage8 t1_iy858nb wrote

To add to that it was going out at night to stop Voldemort after nobody would believe that there was someone trying to get the sorcerer's stone. I think 150 points is honestly less than they deserve.


ALinkToThePants t1_iy863b7 wrote

I don't think that 150 is even half as well as they should like; and less than half of the points half as well as they deserve...


WhoSmokesThaBlunts t1_iy8b2kq wrote

We just watched this last night and unless I missed something, this post is from the perspective of every other student that didn't even know the events around the stone took place.

Slytherin and even Ravenclaw should be pissed especially if the mario party bonus points at the end had never been done before. At the very least I'd be demanding an explanation. All this assuming the house cup is actually meaningful and comes with extras but if its not a big deal then probably no one actually cares


TurnipForYourThought t1_iy8cgdy wrote

>All this assuming the house cup is actually meaningful and comes with extras but if its not a big deal then probably no one actually cares

It's a boarding school for children and teenagers. You bet your ass they gave that House Cup some meaning.


InevitableHunt5074 t1_iy8eib4 wrote

Dumbledore does say something to the effect of only you three, and valdamort, were there and it was all top secret so naturally the whole school knows about it. So I always assumed the whole school knew about it.


Notoday t1_iy9knc5 wrote

Nah man. They are 11. They broke a lot of rules and put themselves in very serious danger. Yes, they stopped Hitler, so you can't really punish them... but they're still children, and as a school you probably shouldn't encourage students to put their lives in danger lol


pilesofcleanlaundry t1_iy918xd wrote

Actually it was going out at night to stop Voldemort after Dumbledore decided he didn’t feel like it.


MathigNihilcehk t1_iyatb8u wrote

Except they only put the stone at risk because they went out.

If Potter had stayed home, nobody would’ve found the stone. The stone was perfectly safe until Potter showed up.


Staggeringpage8 t1_iyau1pw wrote

I disagree. Voldemort was already at the school he had most of the ways in prior to potter getting there and he would have got them all given the time regardless of if potter was there or not.


MathigNihilcehk t1_iyavqmv wrote

He wouldn’t have been able to best the mirror, AND dumbledore was on his way back to the castle pretty much immediately.

He couldn’t best the mirror puzzle with Harry Potter being present (the only way he had any chance of cracking the mirror puzzle) because dumbledore showed up without any aid from the rest of the team. If he had to do so without Potter in the same amount of time before the principle returned… he would’ve failed.


Aj53bje t1_iy97bof wrote

looks like we have an american
