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Zavier4728 t1_j2favjc wrote

It’s good that you don’t know


meatmybeat42069 t1_j2fhskf wrote

“Andrew Tate haters” is a weird way to describe people who aren’t down with human trafficking.


f3lhorn t1_j2fqeik wrote

Also a weird way to describe people that don’t hold toxic opinions about women or masculinity.


c00lguy6942096 t1_j2fd0qw wrote

Wait ...

He still has fan?


Beanfucker3000 t1_j2fmquc wrote

Sadly, yes, there are some that see him as some sort of messiah for his sometimes mediocre advice and blatant sexism. Even if he's proven guilty of sex trafficking, they won't stop worshipping him.


L3DGEND t1_j2fxbkc wrote

I am NOT defending him but here I have to say he IS NOT proven guilty. As everyone who ever was in court is not guilty UNTILL PROVEN OTHERWISE so everyone stating he is guilty, do you really know? And he isn‘t even in court nor in jail, and no I am not a lawyer but lemme take a wild guess and say you are not a lawyer as well and even if you have no clue about the case and you‘re only source is the media which in this case is probably not the best source… so please everyone reading this, if you love him if you hate him I dont care but I want you to shut up and wait


floofandmemes t1_j2ffog5 wrote

I didn't know either but apparently he's a human trafficker who along with his brother made millions by scamming people. He also hates the environment and gives men bad advice essentially telling them to be assholes.

Basically, he's a really horrible role model.


FedoraChronicles t1_j2ft5w7 wrote

Basically he thinks you’re property since you’re a woman, was detained on accusations of human trafficking, and tried to bully a 19 year old girl who, after having a… terrible comeback, it still somehow managed to piss him off so badly he became a collective joke on the internet.

No though, the pizza box didn’t get him arrested. I am also disappointed at this revelation.

Basically, a 13 year old incel in a 36 year old man’s body.


MAARP44 t1_j2fqsyv wrote

He the don’t watch star wars Twitter thread guy


WhyBotherYouKnowRD t1_j2faysy wrote

All I ever knew is some people liked him and that wasn't liked by other people. Next thing I hear is that he is a human trafficker. Do not really care to know anymore.


davster39 t1_j2fbhtk wrote

I know... I had to Google him


0chilled_cloud0 t1_j2fg0xm wrote

Same i don't know what's going on either i am just over here eating some noodles. Life is good when you want it to be goos


rho65 t1_j2fbfy3 wrote

i think he (she?) invented spring rolls. i could be wrong tho


Kurpitsa06 t1_j2fbn2m wrote

I don't know who he is either


Beneficial-Tooth1847 t1_j2fgsja wrote

Iam glad to say that the first thing i learn from this guy was from a quote when he was getting arrested

"The matrix has attacked me " or some crazy sh*t like that lol


Still_Frame2744 t1_j2fos42 wrote

No one gives a fuck if you're ignorant fuck off
