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Gunner1Cav t1_j28u6wa wrote

You have to know the difference between a woman who wants to be friends, and a woman who knows you’re thirsty and keeps you on the hook.


Longjumping_Refuse61 t1_j28y87g wrote

Right! It's not the friend zone, it's the "ew, no. but hang out over here, we may find a use for you later" zone.


Noirceuil_182 t1_j29ukd4 wrote

This is entirely too passive. It's more like, "welp, simps are gonna simp..." NO ONE can put anyone else in any "zone."

Only you (generic "you") can control how salty you get if someone you find attractive doesn't want to bang you. I mean, are there shitty people who'd use you out there? Sure! But in this particular instance, you have more of a you problem that will eventually lead you to get dunked on online and get arrested in Romania.


chinesenameTimBudong t1_j2aii1v wrote

I dealt poker. Rich old guys who complained no hot girl will touch them for free. Then go on to offer the semi hot waitress a Hawaiian vacation as she rolls her eyes.


SadFox-29 t1_j299caf wrote

Isn't friend zone the state of liking someone you've been friends with for a long time so it's awkward to tell them how you feel?

It's sad this meaning was lost to so many people using it just as a euphemism to being rejected


Kingofauui t1_j2bwgrh wrote

It’s quiet rejection. The guy can’t stay away cause he thinks there’s a chance and the woman likes the attention but not enough to sleep with him. In this scenario the woman is the worse person for letting this happen


ChiggaOG t1_j2aatga wrote

And a woman who wants to be in a relationship.


strawbrrysundae t1_j2cugrx wrote

Or a woman who rejects you because she isn’t interested and doesn’t have to be friends with you if she isn’t interested.


Subtlefusillade0324 t1_j28zfgf wrote

What about the danger zone? And am I on the correct highway?


wecanttrustmymind t1_j29qpbr wrote

It exists, it’s just not what most people think it is. If someone says they just want to be friends, you aren’t in the friend zone. You were politely rejected. If one of you isn’t interested in dating the other person there is no friend zone.

The real friend zone is when you are actual friends first and both have feelings for each other, but one of you doesn’t want to risk ruining the friendship. That is the friendzone. It’s real. Just very uncommon and widely misused.


DragonDanno t1_j28v54q wrote

There is no friend zone, if you value the friendship of women.


Longjumping_Refuse61 t1_j28y1a4 wrote

If there is no friend zone, then how can a friendship exist? How can you value a friendship that can't exist?


DragonDanno t1_j28ybbq wrote

It's just called being friends. The zone is a place where men who don't want to be friends complain about being friends.


SadFox-29 t1_j298gzs wrote

Friend-zone is not being rejected by "let's just be friends" it's a state of having feelings towards a long-term friend. Usually it's precisely that you value their friendship why you're afraid to make things awkward by coming out to them.


kmccabe0244 t1_j29et1t wrote

As a guy, I’ve friend zoned people in the past so I imagine it works the same either way


SadFox-29 t1_j297x84 wrote

It does. Getting feelings towards a long-time friend and being afraid to come out to them is a real thing.


Behzadhsh13 t1_j28yyl5 wrote

How bout enemyzone? Does it exist


Reader_Eater t1_j2anuti wrote

Oh yeah? Then what are perry the platypus and dr doofenschmirtz to each other?


Batmanclan4269 t1_j29b4ta wrote

Friend zone is a real thing and it’s 95% entirely populated by men who wanted more

but each one is waiting parole as soon as their “friend” gives them the greenlight…

just being platonic friends with an attractive girl? now that’s the actual myth.


LemonConnoiseur t1_j2ah3rp wrote

>> New Research Shows That Over 50% Of Women In Relationships Have A 'Back-up' Partner. According to a market research company,, a new study shows that over 50% of women in committed relationships have a backup plan in place in case the current one does not work out.

2019 study. The back up is the friendzone


onemoreanonymousredd t1_j2962hx wrote

There are such a thing as shitty girls and guys who keep “backups” around because they’re vain and selfish

But it’s a minority, you just have to learn to tell the difference

It’s really easy from an outside perspective but feelings mess with that


MazdaCapella t1_j2aeo6d wrote

More than vanity and selfishness, it's just an awful way to treat another human being. I hope it's a minority, but there are lots of shitty people out there. Saying it doesn't exist minimizes the pain caused.


MediocreClick_21 t1_j2a31zd wrote

Not all these guys in the comments who have never spoken to a woman in they life but are giving advice like they the Rizzler


lame-amphibian t1_j2azmwi wrote

Tell that to my sister, she brags about how she has 3 guys to pay her bills for her simply by telling them that she "just wants to be friends for now, but maybe in the future when I'm not so busy with school and work"


The0pt t1_j28undr wrote

Then i would be cheating on every woman i have ever asked out


Aces106987 t1_j2cb1yk wrote

Only person that can send you to the friendzone is yourself. Make it known what you want and if it ain't happening and you stick around. You friendzoned yourself.


Finncraft_2008 t1_j292p40 wrote

i got the same post from the same person twice in a row


Tall_Taro_91 t1_j29kn7w wrote

I WENT TO THE FRIEND ZONE (I went to the danger zone)


shadowdash66 t1_j29y65g wrote

Yeah its called you get put on the bleachers


0hio_172191809 t1_j2a2r5c wrote

Now which is worse, being friends with benefits and nothing more, or being just friends


LiabilityLad655321v2 t1_j2a6g19 wrote

The Friend Zone. It’s nice in here, we’ve got tea and biscuits.

Seriously if it turns out I’m in the Friend Zone, whether “she” sent me there or I went there voluntarily, doesn’t matter. I like to learn from my friends and make positive steps, or at least try to, and I make as much effort with them as they make with me.

If “she” Friendzones me and that’s that then, to quote Liam Lynch: “Whatever”


[deleted] t1_j2abbu4 wrote

It’s the oblivious zone.


Ablazz96 t1_j2amtu6 wrote

I dont get friendzones i get Dangerzones


Chameleon44 t1_j2b2key wrote

What about Chernobyl exclusion zone?

Cheeki breeki intensifies


HeathenBliss t1_j2ba919 wrote

The friend zone is when you approach someone with romantic interest and they decide that they would "rather be friends". Its a polite way of saying they're not interested, and the only people who stick around to STAY in the friend zone are people who have no self respect. Seriously, it's no one's fault, but once the line is crossed (expressing interest) there's no going back, and it's just awkward and sad if you don't move on.


Antique-Fly9292 t1_j2bupfl wrote

It was originally called not the enough money zone but was rebranded in the 90’s.


LukeTLA0 t1_j2c2qw8 wrote

Fucking explain it to me


SomeLikeItDusty t1_j2c552q wrote

“It’s as if I heard a million incels all cry out at once…”


dpXWrecka t1_j2c8em1 wrote

I would be friendless..... Oh wait


CasperCann t1_j2coir8 wrote

Men: I always get put in the fuckin friend zone.

Also Men: No I won't date an overweight woman I'm not physically attracted to, why do you ask?


See. It's that easy. The "Friend Zone." doesn't exist, people are attracted to people. That's legit all that is.


snippijay t1_j2950jz wrote

There's no such thing as the friend zone.

The only reason that you're single.
